Finishing Fall 2020 Remotely
Applicable Learning Management System(s): Blackboard Ultra, Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle, D2L
Campaign Description: To avoid a campus outbreak of COVID-19, many American universities will be moving to a fully online format after the Thanksgiving holiday. This message is intended to inform students of the updated working hours during the final weeks of remote learning, as it will change their class and exam schedules.
Success Criteria: Decreased calls by students about scheduling miscommunications
Submitted by (and on behalf of, if applicable): Katie van den Berk
Finishing Fall 2020 Remotely
This message reminds students of schedule changes to remote learning and leaves space to incorporate university resources.
Location: Course Home
Audience: Students
Content Type: systray message
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Make sure to stay in contact with your course instructors to finish the semester strong. Good luck on finals and stay healthy!