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Course Reports Awareness Messaging

Course Reports Awareness Messaging

Applicable Learning Management System(s): Blackboard

Campaign Description: Impact Course Reports is a great feature for faculty to see the in-depth engagement data within their course. However, it can often be buried away in the Evaluations area of the course, leaving faculty unaware of the valuable resource. This hint message provides awareness for course reports and highlights key features.

Submitted by (and on behalf of, if applicable): Katie van den Berk


Course Reports for Student Engagement

Description of what Impact course reports are and where to find them

Location: Home Page on Evaluation Tab

Audience: Instructors

Content Type: hint message



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Do you know how engaged your students are in this course? Check out your Impact Course Reports within the Evaluations area to see overall class data and individual students on engagement activity, like how often students look at announcements, assignments, and more.
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