Impact Release Notes (2023-06-14)
In this Impact release, new content for Out-of-the-Box Contexts and Gamification Campaigns are released. Walkthrough Insights overview is released as a new feature. Additionally, accessibility updates are made to the Settings button, Impact Dashboard, Settings, User Groups, Users and Permissions, and Support Center. Updates are also made to table listing and pagination within the Impact Dashboard.
Impact helps institutions improve technology adoption and evaluate the impact of educational technology, while helping faculty and students seamlessly navigate new platforms. Learn more about Impact by Instructure.
New Content |
Out-of-the-Box Contexts
The following list shows newly created Out-of-the-Box Contexts:
Navigation |
Profile |
Calendar |
Conversations |
Course Homepage |
Discussions Page |
Files Page |
Rubrics |
Assignment/Discussions |
Groups |
Outcomes |
Quizzes |
Gamification Campaign
Template Preview | Promoting Gamification in Canvas Courses: K5-12 |
Encourage instructors to excite students by trying out a gamified course. This campaign provides an inspirational video demonstrating a gamified course and provides tips and tricks on how instructors can develop their own gamified course easily.
New Features |
Walkthrough Insights
Walkthrough Insights Overview
Guide(s) | How do I view Walkthrough Insights in the Impact Dashboard? |
Blog | Walkthrough Insights over is now released! |
Using the Walkthrough Insights overview, admin have the ability to view performance insights at a glance. Admin can compare how many users have started the Walkthroughs, completion rates, ratings and comments. This data gives all the information needed to know about users interaction with the Walkthroughs and give insights into whether or not they are successful.
Walkthrough Insights Overview
Other Updates |
Settings Button
In the Settings drop-down, the language button is accessible to Screenreader users.
Impact Dashboard
Throughout the Impact Dashboard, the Field switcher toggles display proper labels and are read by the screenreader. Additionally, images that provide no extra information to the context of the page are marked as decorative and can not be reached by screenreaders. Also, kebab menus attain focus when using screenreaders.
On the Settings page within the Contexts tab, images in the Name column attain focus by the Screenreader users, and the preview is opened. Additionally, when Keyboard-only users navigate to the image in the Name column, the image is skipped.
On the Settings page within the General Settings tab, the LTI Keys drop-down section attains screenreader focus and is kept while in the section.
User Groups
On the User Groups page, the category drop-down table attains focus when using screenreaders and Screenreader users can easily change Category options.
User and Permissions
On the Users and Permissions page within the Users tab, tooltips are read in the Save User modal by the screenreader and attain focus by Keyboard-only users.
On the Users and Permissions page, when Keyboard-only and Screenreader users are in the Save User modal, the focus is kept inside the modal.
Support Center
On the Support Center page, when the Screenreader user is in the Create Support Center modal, the focus is kept inside the modal.
On the Support Center page within the Arrange Articles tab, images are appropriately labeled allowing Keyboard-only and Screenreader users to understand their content through tooltip descriptions. Kebab menus receive focus when the screenreader is in use, and once the kebab menu is opened, the screenreader focus transitions to the available options. Moreover, the focus is kept inside the Edit Support Center modal for Keyboard-only and Screenreader users.
On the Support Center page within the Design tab, Keyboard-only and Screenreader users can access the Support Center drop-down, ensuring that the focus remains within it. Furthermore, the Button Settings section is clearly labeled, allowing Keyboard-only and Screenreader users to navigate through each section. In the Button Corner drop-down Button Settings section, Keyboard-only and Screenreader users can access the available options while the focus remains on the drop-down. The Email or Call forms modal attains focus for Keyboard-only and Screenreader users and focus is confined within the modal itself, enabling them to interact with the fields and access the Delete option modal.
On the Support Center page within the Routing and Availability tab, the warning modal is read to Screenreader users when deleting an item from the sidebar.
Impact Dashboard
Table Listings and Pagination
When a user is on a table on a page within the Impact Dashboard and selects a listing, they will be automatically returned to the exact page they were on when they click the back button. This eliminates the need for the user to manually navigate back to their previous page.
Fixed Bugs |
- The Support button on the Settings page within the Status tab is removed as the portal is no longer open to users.
- When creating a message, if a user copies the text from the title and pastes it in the message body, the text will wrap in the body.
- Inline Editor displays appropriately when the Navigate toggle is enabled.
Change Log