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Impact Release Notes (2022-09-06)

Impact Release Notes (2022-09-06)

In this Impact release, accessibility updates were made to Screen Reader navigation in Messages and Keyboard-only users in Impact Dashboard.

Impact helps institutions improve technology adoption and evaluate the impact of educational technology, while helping faculty and students seamlessly navigate new platforms. Learn more about Impact by Instructure.

Other Updates



Messages: Screen Reader

In Messages, Screen Reader users can check/uncheck ‘all’ in the table column or specific rows. Screen Reader users can open details of a help item by using the enter key.

Impact Dashboard: Keyboard-only Users

In Impact Dashboard, Keyboard-only users can close the drop-down list by using the ‘esc’ button.

Keyboard-only users can move the Support Center button using the up/down arrows.


Fixed Bugs


  • After selecting a language in Impact Dashboard, all items through Dashboard are translated.
  • Improvement for Transition buttons in Impact Walkthrough.

Change Log


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