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Impact Release Notes (2022-05-24)

Impact Release Notes (2022-05-24)

In this Impact release, users can filter results in the LTI Tool launches page by unmapped LTI tool launches. By default, walkthroughs proactively display based on the first walkthrough step. Lastly, In the Associated LTI Tool modal, custom LTIs display at the top of the list.

Impact helps institutions improve technology adoption and evaluate the impact of educational technology, while helping faculty and students seamlessly navigate new platforms. Learn more about Impact by Instructure.

Updated Features


LTI Tools

LTI Tool Filters

An LTI tool must be mapped in order for LTI launches to be visible in monitor based reports. In the LTI Tool Launches page, users can filter results to view unmapped LTI tool launches. The name visible in the Associated LTI Tool column corresponds to the monitor name used in monitor-based reports.

LTI Tool Launches FilterLTI Tool Launches Filter

Walkthroughs Beta

Walkthrough Triggers

By default, the setting to proactively view a walkthrough based on the first walkthrough step is enabled.

Walkthrough Triggers SettingWalkthrough Triggers Setting


Other Updates


LTI Tools

Associated LTI Tool Modal 

The Associated LTI Tool drop-down menu displays as a modal. Custom LTIs display at the top of the list. 

Associated LTI Tool ModalAssociated LTI Tool Modal

Walkthroughs Beta

Walkthrough Settings

Walkthrough Settings sections can be expanded by clicking the section’s header. 

Walkthrough SettingsWalkthrough Settings


Fixed Bugs


  • Feedback checkboxes included in messages are accessible to screen readers. 
  • When a user logs into a learning management system and enters a multi-factor authentication, they're logged in.

Change Log


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