[Support Center] Receive Notifications on Feedback

Problem statement:

When a user submits feedback on a support center article or a message in the LMS, their feedback is likely to go unnoticed unless the institution's Impact admins actively search for feedback on support center articles and messages by viewing the relevant insights pages. This can make it difficult for admins to stay informed on trends in support center usage or message performance unless they are actively checking the insights. This can also make users feel like they are screaming for help into the void if their feedback goes unaddressed.

Proposed solution:

Impact admins should be empowered to receive notifications via email when new feedback is posted on messages, support center articles, or anywhere else users can comment. Allowing admins to set a delivery schedule for new comments will allow admins to limit the number and frequency of these notifications to a schedule that is manageable and actionable without being overwhelming. Allowing admins to mark feedback as addressed likewise prevents multiple admins from retreading the same ground.

User role(s):


Added to Theme

Feedback Presentation Theme Status: Identified

1 Comment
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme

This idea has been added to a theme for further consideration.