[Reporting] Allow launch type and course location to be tracked for LTI tools
Currently, the LTI Tools does not track for placements in the RCE (as mentioned in this blog post: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/The-Product-Blog/Impact-LTI-Tools-Update-and-FAQs/ba-p/570148). We have LTIs that are embedded via the RCE or launched via a new window. It would be helpful to have this information tracked as part of how our LTIs are being accessed by our users. To have this granularity display in the Integrated Tools Reporting Template in Insights would be great to have as well.
When the LTI Tools is mapped, it should include the launch type and course location so that when the click data displays in Insights, admins would have a sense of how users interact with the LTI when there are multiple placements/launch options.