[Custom User Groups] "Add Condition" to limit to one of the groups and a specific role within the group

Problem statement:

In a current campaign, it became a problem when I realized that the Custom User Group I made is both for users in Custom Group A (Primary Student user role) and Group B (In a specific subaccount). I had initially thought that it would limit the target users to Primary Students in that specific subaccount. What happened was it included all Primary Students and all users in that specific subaccount, which caused the message to also display for users who are not enrolled in the campus that the message is created for. There's no functionality for a Custom User Group to be created based on conditions such as "specific roles for a specific subaccount".

Proposed solution:

Add a functionality in Custom User Groups that does these two options: - select a user group only and then filter specific subaccounts - select a subaccount and filter to specific user group/roles. This will make it easier for admins to create a group within the interface as opposed to downloading the list, filtering which ones are the correct targets, and then uploading the adjusted list back to Impact as a new Custom User Group.

User role(s):


Added to Theme

1 Comment
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme

This idea has been added to a theme for further consideration.