Using Respondus LockDown Browser: Students (Canvas)
What is the purpose of this campaign?
The purpose of this campaign is to make students aware that Respondus LockDown Browser will be used for some of their assessments. A link to download and install Repsondus LockDown Browser is provided, and support to get started is also available.
Tool categories
🔧 The 'Respondus Lockdown Browser' tool category should be toggled on to display the content of this campaign before you import it. Click here to find out how to manage tool categories in your dashboard.
Message Placement
📌Course home PageSystray
Support Articles
- Respondus Lockdown Browser: Student Quick Start Guide (PDF file)
- Introduction video to Respondus Lockdown: Students
How can the impact of this campaign be measured?
Campaign engagement
Views on messages & links on support included inside messages
Views on support articles included in this campaign