November 2021 Impact Newsletter


Impact Newsletter: November 2021

It has already been a busy November at Impact as I’m sure it has been at your institutions as well! We are excited to continue our new Impact Monthly Newsletter. In this edition, you will find lots of information. 


The Impact CSM team recorded another webinar for your use! This webinar focuses on best practices for messaging. We discuss the different types of messages, types of rich content to include, as well as highlighting some exceptional use cases from our global customer base.


We also have a brand new blog highlighting how to use campaigns to track data insights. Melissa has created a guide to assist with all of your LMS migration needs. And Monica has given us a quick view into the lives of some of our Impact Team members. 

Since we are quickly approaching the start of a new semester and a new year (hello, 2022!) we have assembled ready to use messages to assist. In order to help faculty, students, and staff remain healthy, we also included universe examples that remind your campus community to remain COVID safe over the holiday season. 


Our content team has released a series of updates to check out!


Do you have any questions or suggestions for topics to be covered in our Impact Newsletter? We would love to hear from you. Please email


Have a healthy and productive November!


-- Dr. Annelise Ewing Goodman 


November CSM Webinar: 

Get Your Message Out 


With Impact, personalized messages can be placed on-demand, anywhere within your learning application.  Messages can be filled with text, images, and rich content like videos or embedded iframes. To watch the webinar use the following link: 



Password: k$x5e5Hf


As promised, we have also created a handout of messaging best practices.  

Blog: Using Campaigns to Track Data Insights


Did you know that campaigns can do more than simply hold messages?

At Impact, we are always happy to provide you with tips and tricks to make your life a bit easier. One such tip is to use campaigns to track your data insights. Here are some potential uses to track a targeted audience using tools within your LMS:

-   Track custom user group with a specific tool such as first-year instructors using rubrics

-   Monitor students at risk using popular tools (Grades, Files, Syllabus etc.)

-   Following faculty cohort who completed a training workshop on a particular tool (Discussions, etc.)


Ready to Get Started?

Setting up a campaign to monitor your data is simple. Just use the following steps or follow along with the example.

  1. Open your Impact Expert Dashboard on
  2. Click on the Campaigns tab, then select “Add Campaign”
  3. Create a name and intention for your Campaign (such as Faculty Training SP 2022 - Discussions)


  1. Continue to “Target Audience.” Add people by role, filter, custom user group, or add individuals (in the example case, we would create a custom user group of faculty that attended the Discussions Training Session).



  1. Select Outcomes. Choose tools that you would like to see tool adoption statistics (such as “Instructor / Collaboration and Communication/ Discussions).AnneliseGoodman_1-1637335119331.png



  1. Click Save, then Share Campaign, and Start Campaign.AnneliseGoodman_2-1637335118930.png





  1. Monitor tool adoption by clicking Average Tool Adoption “View More.”



  1. View and discover your Insights Data.



*Please note that the Tool Insights will begin grabbing data before the campaign is started--- however, the tracking starts at campaign creation.  


If you would like assistance putting together a campaign to track your specific data insights, contact your Customer Success Manager! Or if you have fantastic use cases doing something similar, please share with the Impact team.


Find this blog and more on our Impact Community Page! 



Making a Musical Impact

Some of you may remember that Toshiro Polak, Impact Director of Product, is quite a talented singer and musician. After a long hiatus due to Covid regulations, Toshiro returned to the stage with a double live performance in Amsterdam: one part with his a capella group SingerG and one part with his new band The Elated. The audience - including Impact team members - were treated to an amazing show! Check out these clips from the performance: 



Are LMS Migration Plans in your Future?


Moving between Learning Management Systems can be challenging for students and faculty. Impact by Instructure is here to make these transitions as easy as possible by tracking the onboarding process and guiding the offboarding of users by providing in-app communication and support at the moment of need.


Measure Onboarding

Stay on top of exactly which courses and instructors have migrated to your new tools by getting real-time information on where your users are within the onboarding process and see if your users are successfully accessing tools in your new LMS.


Adoption Campaigns

Measure training success and focus efforts where they matter most. Your Impact dashboard can reveal the impact of your training and communication efforts on actual usage by comparing the activity level of the participants before and after the event(s). This allows you to focus your time and resources on the methods that work best.





In-App Messaging

Place messages anywhere within your LMS to communicate effectively with Faculty and Students. With Impact messaging, you can proactively address changes, promote functionality or reinforce key capabilities where it is relevant in the system.




Self-Service Support

Access contextual and role-sensitive help items and escalate support requests right from within the LMS. The Impact Support Center can provide faculty and students with relevant, context-sensitive help at the moment of need within the LMS and easily escalate tickets to the right team at your institution.




Our wonderful content team has some great, out-of-the-box campaigns that contain not only great messaging pointing out helpful and important information, but increased support, and tool monitors. Our current LMS migration offerings are outlined below and can be located inside your Impact Dashboard under Campaigns and Templates. For help launching a campaign, check out this quick video!


Migrating from Blackboard Original to Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation

  • Assessing students in Blackboard Ultra: Instructors
  • Communicating inside your Ultra course: Instructors
  • Utilizing the Impact Support Center in Blackboard Learn Ultra
  • Migrating from Bb Learn Original to Bb Learn Ultra Navigation: Exit Overview
  • Using Blackboard Learn Ultra Base Navigation: Students
  • Using Blackboard Learn Ultra Base Navigation: Instructors
  • Moving from Bb Learn Original to Bb Learn Ultra Navigation: Exit Preparation for Instructors


Migrating from Blackboard Original Courses to Blackboard Ultra Courses

  • Setting up your new course in Blackboard Ultra: Instructors
  • Migrating existing course content to an Ultra Course: Instructors
  • Using the navigation menu inside a Learn Ultra Course: Students
  • Using the navigation menu inside a Learn Ultra Course: Instructors


Migrating from Blackboard to Canvas

  • Migrating from Bb Original to Canvas: Exit Overview
  • Migrating from Blackboard Learn Original to Canvas: Exit Preparation (Students)
  • Migrating from Blackboard Learn Original to Canvas: Exit Preparation (Teachers)


Migration to Canvas from any LMS

  • Migrating to Canvas: Essentials for teachers to get started
  • Migrating to Canvas: Entry Campaign (Students)
  • Migrating to Canvas: Exploring Canvas further
  • Migrating to Canvas: Complete Entry Campaign (Teachers)

If your institution will be migrating to a new learning environment, reach out to your CSM and Impact Expert for migration strategic planning! 

Featured Blogs and Campaigns: 

Start of Term/End of Term 

End of Semester Impact Messages

Features Campaigns for: 

  • End of Semester Grades
  • Housing Checkout for On-Campus Students
  • Spring Semester Class Registration Reminder
  • Help Instructors with Their New Course Content
  • Promoting Virtual Academic Support Services
  • Increase the Adoption of Academic Integrity Tools for Faculty and Students 
  • Campaign to Test the Proctoring Tools for Students
  • Update Teaching Assistants with Grade Publishing Requirements 
  • Campaign to Make Instructors Aware of Final Grade Submission Processes


Start of Term Messaging to Support Students and Faculty 

Features Campaigns for: 

  • Welcome Back to Campus 
  • Promoting Virtual Academic Services 
  • Changes to the Academic Calendar
  • Bookstore Information for Ordering Textbooks 
  • Important Dates for Adding/Dropping Classes 
  • Transfer Student Checklist
  • Reviewing Academic Integrity 
  • New Course Availability for Instructors 
  • Start of Term Course Announcement Reminders
  • Promoting Faculty Support Centers and Online Teaching Resources
  • COVID-19 Messaging

Course Checklist ‘Must-Haves’ For Start of Term Messaging 

A How-To Guide  for setting course checklists and posting them in Impact Messaging 

Holiday Health Reminders

Holiday Health 

A Universe Example reminding students and faculty to engage in COVID-19 safe practices during the upcoming holiday season. 


Impact Content Team Update 




  • Important update coming soon! Please be on the lookout for more information in your emails. 

Impact Community Updates

As mentioned in our last newsletter, the Impact Community Documents have gotten a facelift. We provide the same fantastic content with a much needed update! Check out our documentation for all of your Impact needs surrounding the Universe, Blogs, Idea Conversations, and Release Notes. In addition, you will be able to find past Impact Newsletters! 


Impact Universe- 

Need inspiration for a new message or campaign? The Impact Universe is comprised of examples from our global customer network. 


Impact Blogs-
Read more about customer use cases, current trends in academia, and learn more about Impact resources. 


Idea Conversations-
If you have an idea for product improvement, submit it to our Community site! You can also view other suggestions and upvote the ones you like the most.

Impact Release Notes-

Stay up to date with our latest release information from our team!


Impact Guides- 

Find help guides to everything Impact! Formerly Learn.EesySoft.Com


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