End of Semester Impact Messages

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

End of Semester Grades

Having an up-to-date grade center is important for clear communication between students and instructors. Therefore, the first message can be used to help faculty submit their final grades and navigate the grade center with confidence at the end of the semester. The second message reminds students to check the grade center first, then speak to faculty.


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Housing Checkout for On-Campus Students

Impact messages can be used for more than academic messaging. For universities with on-campus students, having clear communication around move out is critical to getting students off-campus for winter break. This may be even more important with COVID-19 restrictions for large groups. This message is designed to help on-campus students prepare their campus housing for the upcoming winter break.



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Spring Semester Class Registration Reminder

Many students forget about registration periods and miss out on signing up for classes that are necessary to graduate. This message can be used to remind students to register for the upcoming semester or make changes to their current schedule.



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Help Instructors with Their New Course Content

The goal of this message is to inform faculty of when their courses are live for them to add content and customize before the semester begins.



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Promoting Virtual Academic Support Services

Students may not realize the support services they rely on when on-campus and still available virtually. Many universities are offering online tutoring appointments, counseling center sessions, and more. This message is a reminder for students to engage with university resources.


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Increase the Adoption of Academic Integrity Tools for Faculty and Students


The goal of this campaign is to make faculty and students aware of Unicheck (but can be used for other academic integrity tools) to increase adoption rates and help them understand the possibilities when using the tool.



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Campaign to Test the Procotoring Tools for Students

The goal is to test the Respondus LockDown Browser (but can be used for all proctoring test tools) for students and ensure that it is installed and working correctly. Some assessments require the LockDown Browser, and this campaign gets students familiar with it.



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Update Teaching Assistants with Grade Publishing Requirements

To ensure that all teaching assistants properly publish grades to studentsBy checking the user group trend line, you can report for grades submission by teaching assistants. Additionally, new teaching assistant grade publishing steps can ensure teaching assistants have an on-screen reminder of the new protocols to publish grades to all students as requirements have changed under COVID-19 online requirements.


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Campaign to Make Instructors Aware of Final Grade Submission Processes 

The goal is to ensure instructors know how to submit final grades, including what steps are necessary to take before and after. Instructors are aware of what to do before and after submitting final grades.

This hint message appears next to the ‘Final Grades’ tab on the Grading Center page. It tells instructors what they have to do before submitting final grades, and what to do afterward. It also links to further support materials for grade submissions.

