Covid-19 Impact Resources


Existing Impact COVID-19 Resources


COVID cases are on the rise and institutions are questioning what operational model is best to keep students, faculty, and staff safe. Impact is happy to help as you navigate this semester’s challenges. As a reminder, we have premade resources available to assist as policies shift while maintaining academic continuity.


Impact Universe Examples

Campus Covid-19 App

Campus Resources Available over Break for Students and Instructors

Covid-19 Exposure and Vaccination Portal

Reminders for Submitting Covid-19 Test Results 

Promoting Start of Term Safety Measures and Protocols

Promoting Health and Safety for Students during Covid-19 

Updated Hours for Student Services

Required Vaccination for Upcoming Semester

Defining Course Types

Holiday Health

Wellness Day Reminders

Changes to Academic Calendar

Return to Campus

Covid-19 Screening App with QR Code and SIS ID

Promotion of Mandatory Covid Orientation Video

Cyber Security Awareness
Finishing the Term Remotely

Informing Students of School Closure

Promoting Faculty Support Centers and Online Teaching Resources

Multiple Video Platforms for Online Learning

Housing Checkout for On-Campus Students 

Campus Re-opening Information

Return to Campus: Faculty Resources

Impact COVID Blogs 

Digital Classes and Testing: How to Use Impact to Support Midterm and End of Term Exams

Impact for Institution-wide Digital Communication

How Saxion University is using Impact to Respond to Covid-19

Promoting Support for Students Virtually 

How to Achieve Institutional Digital Transformation

Starting the Term with a New, Virtual Look

Emergency Preparedness

Best Practices for Covid-19 Messaging 

San-Diego State University: Communicating the Many Transitions of 2020

Academic Integrity for End-of-term Assessments

Is your Institution Ready for an Online End-of-Term?

Start of Term Messaging to Support Students and Faculty 

Promoting University Services

How is your Campus Handling Covid-19 Vaccinations?

The Hybrid Course Conundrum

Campaign for Campus Return

Return, Reopen and Re-Engage


Campaign Templates

There are additional Campaign Templates available directly on your Impact Dashboard. These campaign templates consist of contextualized messages, ensuring that users receive on-demand assistance, accompanied by relevant help articles and videos, to help them achieve their goals. The content is delivered to you in a straightforward template format. You can preview all of the content to decide if it meets your needs and import it with the click of a button. You are free to customize the campaign by adding, editing, or deleting content that is not applicable to your institution. We have several templates that can help with your COVID-19 related transitions but you can find all of the templates within your Impact Dashboard.

Switching To Online Learning Formats: Students

Converting Courses To Online Learning Formats: Instructors

Facilitating Online Classes And Office Hours: Instructors

Adjusting And Organizing Your Course Content To Suit Online Learning: Instructors

Using Zoom To Deliver Online Lessons

Best Practices For Engaging Virtual Teaching


To find campaign templates in your dashboard:




Should you find yourself needing any additional resources, please contact your CSM for assistance. Stay safe!


Your Impact CSM Team, 

