"Sum" calculation method for Outcomes in Learning Mastery Gradebook


The learning mastery gradebook currently offers several options for mastery "calculation method" of each outcome. I believe a simple summation option would support my grading, and the grading schemes of everyone else I know of who does alternative grading. This is much simpler than the options supported by Canvas currently.

I grade assignments on success / not yet for each learning outcome, with mastery defined as two successes (on different assignments, same outcome). Grades are determined by the number of mastered outcomes and the outcomes with a single success. A summation option would allow me to define success as one point and mastery as two points.

Right now I can do "n Number of Times" with n=2 to see student mastery, but then I have no way to see which students have a single success. My students and I have to look through to find those. It is the same for all my colleagues using alternative grading.

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