[New Quizzes] Highest score not posting until I grade every attempt


Yesterday, New Quizzes started showing up in the to-do list. I allow multiple attempts on quizzes. The scores on the quizzes are not posting until I score all attempts. It is no longer posting the highest score automatically. This is quadrupling my workload. Please make it so it posts automatically.

This problem started yesterday.

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Hi @EricGlenn -

The ability to have New Quizzes on the to-do list is very new. (I didn't think it was released yet!) Have you reached out and worked with Support? New Quizzes: Dashboard To Do 

Community Member

@KristinL It was released for me! Canvas support is who sent me here to post. Having it show up on the to-do is good, but the unintended consequence, is now the highest score will not post automatically. There is one question per quiz that I have to score, I do NOT want to score all attempts.

Community Champion

@EricGlenn -

If you have a question that must be manually graded, how is Canvas to know which quiz is the highest score if that question has not been graded?  In my thought process I would require all quizzes to be graded before deciding which is highest.

it sounds like you want Canvas to do a lot of work to know which question needs grading, how many points that question is worth and then based off of that information which quiz is the highest score - if that can even be determined based on the point value of the manually graded question.

I would be interested in knowing if Canvas does what you want for quizzes that are completely auto graded.


Community Member


There is one question that needs grading. Students attempt the quiz 5 times. On each attempt they get a different score that canvas auto grades. I would like to grade the ONE quiz in which they get the most "auto-graded" questions correct. That will always be their highest score. It used to do this exactly the way I am describing. Now, I need to score all attempts before the one goes in.

Community Champion

@EricGlenn -

It is interesting that it used to do that.  I am wondering if one of the programmers happened to notice what was happening and changed it so that it only works on completely graded quizzes.  You know based on writing the quiz that the highest score on the auto graded part is going to be the high score, but Canvas does not know that.

Without knowing the point totals assigned, it seems to me that Canvas will decide it does not know the highest score just based on the Auto grade portion.  Case in point a student attempts the quiz twice and gets the same auto score grade.  the manual grade question is answered in one of those quizzes and not in the other (or completely answered wrong).  Which attempt of the quiz should you be grading?

Once you have graded one quiz completely, and it is the highest score out of all the other attempts that have not had a manual grade posted, then that grade should be posted.  However, based on what you are now seeing, I guess that is not even possible.


Community Member


It did it perfectly one day before I originally posted. For example: at student received 10/16 on attempt 1, 12/16 on attempt 2 and 14/16 on attempt 3. The question I need to grade is (and will always be 2 points). The 14/16 would already be posted and I could just go into that one and grade it.

Even without the points I needed to add in, the 14/16 was still the highest score, and that's how I set up all my assessments last year. I set them up so that the 2 points still allowed the system to determine the highest score.

Now I need to score all the attempts before any of the scores get submitted.

To the people who switched it, please switch it back!

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New to canvas, have a bunch of homework, quizzes just migrated from another LMS to new quizzes.  I typically allow 3 attempts with some feedback, ability to ask questions/work with TAs in between attempts.  Use the highest graded attempt for grade calculations.  Didn't realize this was going to be a problem - glad to know now.  Please allow the partial grades to be reported to students even if the manually graded one isn't graded yet.  That will allow students to see the absolutely lowest grade estimate until the manually graded question gets graded.

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Comments from Instructure

As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.

Status changed to: Archived
Comments from Instructure

As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.