Gradebook: Collapse/Expand According to the Assignment Groups


I would like to have to option of expanding/collapsing the items in the grade book by assignment group. Canvas currently provides the "subtotal" score per assignment group (it shows the columns at the end of the grade book). My grade book is crowded since I have one homework set per section: eight sections per chapter, on average, and four chapters to cover. Collapsing the "columns" based on the assignment groups provides a quick glance of the grade book without scrolling all the way to the end of the grade book to see the sub-totals.

I currently have a workaround. I create a "fake" assignment group with 0% weight. Then, I create one assignment item with the "do not count toward final grade" option and add it to the "fake" assignment group. Finally, when in the grade book, I select View -> Filters -> Assignment Group & select the "fake" group in the "Assignment Group " pull-down menu. My grade book shows the one fake item and the other assignment groups collapsed. 


Thank you for your consideration.


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1 Comment
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Archived

Thank you for taking the time to share this feedback as an Idea in the Community!

For consistency, the Community Team asks all comments, questions, and requests related to the Enhanced Gradebook Filters to be directed to the Gradebook Filters Group. Other early adopters share their experiences, and Instructure Project Managers actively monitor that space. I hope that you're able to connect and collaborate with others in that User Group.

To streamline our Ideas space and to prevent duplicate conversations, this thread has been Archived.