Canvas Quizzes


It would be helpful to put in more questions than needed for a quiz and then have the ability to shuffle in choices automatically. For example: Having the ability to build in 30 questions and have Canvas randomize 20 of those 30 for students. This would help to cut down on cheating by giving students different random questions. And would allow for a re-take that would also randomize in new questions. 

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived


You haven't specified whether you're using Old (Classic) Quizzes or New Quizzes—but either way, this is existing functionality! Please read through the instructions in the chapters on Quizzes and New Quizzes respectively to learn how to accomplish this in each tool. 

If you still have a question about how to select a set number of randomized questions (in a question groups, via question banks, or via item banks), please feel free to post it to the Question Forum, and be sure to specify which quiz tool you're using so our members can help you appropriately.


Community Explorer

Awesome! I learned something new. 

Thank you.😁

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@renalong You're welcome!