Need Ability to Lock EXPAND THREADS on Discussion Board Forums

Community Participant

The summer 2024 Canvas LMS updates resulted in a locked default of "Collapse Threads" on all discussion board forums. [Users can over-ride this setting but the "Expand Threads" button has to be clicked on every time a forum is opened.] The new "Collapse Threads" default is problematic for students -- since they often do not know they need to open-up the threads AND simultaneously may not read the instructions on class site forums.

Based on the above, an instructor-level ability to lock the "Expand Threads" view on discussion forums is needed.

A related concern with the summer 2024 Canvas LMS updates is how EVERY edit and deletion to a discussion forum is captured AND the edits/deletions ARE listed in the "Collapse Threads" view. In this way, if a faculty member deletes a thread on the forum (and a student does not know they need to click on the "Expand Threads" button), it looks like student threads have been removed from the discussion forum by the instructor.

Based on the above, an instructor-level ability to NOT track format changes/deletions on a discussion board is needed.

If you are a faculty member or Canvas administrator that agrees with the above feature requests, please support these requests. Also, please let me know if you have a suggestion for where I should post these requests in the Canvas Community site [for maximum reach within the Canvas Community (?)].

Thank you in advance.