Unable to add new users to a course, but was able to just 2 days ago!

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Community Novice

Hello all!

I have been using Canvas Free for Teachers for a couple of years now. I routinely add new users to my courses, and just added a new user via their email address just 2 days ago without issue. However, this morning when I tried to add a user, I noticed that the text box to enter email addresses is now outlined in red and I am unable to add a new user. I am just told the user could not be found. Previously, I would be able to add the user, type in their first and last name, and they would receive the course invitation in their email inbox. 

I read in another thread that if Open Registration is not enabled I won't be able to add new users, but I am unsure why this would have changed in 2 days. Any advice would be much appreciated!

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2 Solutions
Community Participant

Seems to be the same issue as mentioned here yesterday, and I could also replicate it, so likely some issue on Canvas' end.

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Community Novice

Thanks for linking me to the other posts! I was able to register the students' emails under the "Login ID"

Much appreciated!

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