At least I can post about it!

Community Contributor

I've put Canvas on a back burner since March since we got the okay to develop a basic Math course in our LMS, D2L.   (It was chosen over Canvas because our institution needed multiple-correct-answers options in multiple choice tests and at decision time that wasn't an option.)   We've really only just begun but now that semester's over I'd hoped to get back and work on my "basic facts for older students" little course here.  


I've missed Canvas and the community, and really looked forward to learning cool stuff (like I already did with generating random numbers and choosing from random stuff from  @G_Petruzella ‌  )... code snippets and all that. 


Well, one of the more critical elements in this fluency building exercises was the "leveling up" idea.  As in... if you did well, you leveled up. 

As in, Mastery Paths. 

I had already set them up in one exercise. 


I come back and find out that's not set up any more.   No, somebody decided that "because it is beta" my Free For Teachers account won't let me do that.   

When I asked, I got this from the "L1 Tech Support" : Thank you for contacting Canvas Support, unfortunately Mastery Paths is not available for our Free for Teachers accounts. I apologize for that. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. Thank you and have a great day! 


Welp,  part of me wants to take my ball and go home ... but ... L1 Tech Support is not the folks I've been playing on the field with and neither are the twerds who decided to reel in what a humble teacher can do.   

So... even though there are whole parts of the field I'm not allowed to play on, I'm going to scrabble under the fence and see what I can learn and create.   


I just wish I'd known about this *before* I said good things about Canvas at our conference, based on how much I could do in FFT.   I won't let that happen again.  

Community Coach
Community Coach

After realizing that Mastery Paths was turned off for FFT, I used a back channel to ask CM's if there was any way it could get turned on. erinhallmark‌ took up the  cause and talked to those in charge of FFT to see if there was a reason that it wasn't enabled and if it could get turned on. Thankfully she was given the green light and will be enabling Mastery Paths for FFT this next Saturday!!

Hope this helps restore your faith in Canvas and the Community!

Community Contributor

Definitely in the community Smiley Happy    Now to  put my words into actions... 

Community Coach
Community Coach

And, as a PS, I've been beta testing‌ and I think once it rolls out in the next few months it will meet (and maybe exceed) your expectations! 🙂

Community Coach
Community Coach

Looking forward to seeing/hearing what you come up with!

Community Contributor

Mastery Paths are ON!!! Smiley Happy Smiley Happy   Now to make time to play with them some more... 

Community Coach
Community Coach


Community Champion

Woo hoo,  @siouxgeonz  , now get busy then share what you have learned with all of us!

Good to see you back, by-the-way!


Community Contributor

I'll be on a bike camping tour next week ... but yes, it's time to have fun with this stuff Smiley Happy So much to learn and share!