Can't switch rubrics without deleting old one

Community Participant

In the new rubrics on assignments, once a rubric is set on an assignment, there is no longer a way to get back to "find rubric" to choose a different one without deleting the one you selected first. 

This wouldn't be a problem, except if this is the only assignment with this rubric, clicking delete will completely delete the rubric from the course, not just remove it from the assignment. 

So, to save yourself from deleting an entire rubric just because you selected the wrong one, you have to go into the Rubrics page first and make a copy of that rubric. 

But, there's not really a way to tell if the rubric you're looking at on the assignment is used in other places. So it's just really hard to tell faculty what to do. They have to go investigate what's going on on the Rubrics page before they can know what the Delete icon will even do.