Delaware Publication and Document Changes


Changes in Delaware


After some changes on the Delaware Department of Education website, we are making some changes to various publications and documents. Here is a brief summary of the changes:

  • The publication title Content Standards will be changed to Standards.
  • The publication title Grade Level Expectations will be changed to Grade Cluster Expectations.
  • A new publication titled Common Core State Standards will be created. The English Language Arts and Mathematics documents currently residing in the Content Standards publication (newly named Standards) will be moved into Common Core State Standards.


How will this change impact the standards data?

We are making the publication title changes below.

Change 1:

  • Old Title: Content Standards
  • New Title: Standards
  • Publication GUID: 993AE948-C0DA-11DA-917D-9FF347E102B4

Change 2:

  • Old Title: Grade Level Expectations
  • New Title: Grade Cluster Expectations
  • Publication GUID: 9941BE08-C0DA-11DA-BDA8-81204CEC90CD


We are creating a new publication, Common Core State Standards, and moving the English Language Arts and Mathematics documents into the new publication.

  • Common Core State Standards GUID: 99992BFA-4B7A-11EF-94BD-0EA0AC55C34D
    • English Language Arts GUID: E1B3B7B8-DA22-11E2-95B3-3B359DFF4B22
      • Moved out of Content Standards (now called Standards)
    • Mathematics GUID: E1C28392-DA22-11E2-95B3-3B359DFF4B22
      • Moved out of Content Standards (now called Standards)


How will this change impact alignments?

Any existing alignments between assets and standards will not change.


When is this change taking effect?

This change will be effective on Monday, July 29, 2024.


What action must I take?

You may want to update your version of the standards to reflect this change. 


How can I get more information?

Contact if you have any questions.