Changes to South Carolina Publications and Documents


Changes in South Carolina


Due to changes on the South Carolina Department of Education website, we are making some title changes and document moves in the South Carolina standards.

The publication currently titled College- and Career-Ready Standards will be renamed Standards. All documents within that publication will be renamed to match the title from the source files.

The publication currently titled Academic Standards will be obsoleted, and the three active documents within it will be moved into the newly titled Standards publication. 


How will this change impact the standards data?

We are making the below publication and document title changes for South Carolina. Please note that we only included a year in the document title if the year in the title was different from the actual adoption year.

Publication title change:

  • Old Title: College- and Career-Ready Standards
  • New Title: Standards
  • Publication GUID: c7a93cbd-3987-46f4-bc59-d925e22219f2

Document title change:

  • Old Title: English Language Arts (2015)
  • New Title: South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for English Language Arts (2015)
  • Document GUID: f0ab6b37-3287-44f2-97e2-cb3a6d613d1b 

Document title change:

  • Old Title: English Language Arts (2023 r2024)
  • New Title: 2024 South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for English Language Arts (2023 r2024)
  • Document GUID: DF0A0600-9BFD-11ED-BDAE-FD87AA3BE25C

Document title change:

  • Old Title: Mathematics (2015)
  • New Title: South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Mathematics (2015)
  • Document GUID: f98b7a13-d13e-45df-8981-f29dd20504cf

Document title change:

  • Old Title: Mathematics (2023 r2024)
  • New Title: 2025 South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Mathematics (2023 r2024)
  • Document GUID: 544D1F88-9EA5-11EE-9DF7-B79DB5A17E8C

Document title change:

  • Old Title: Science (2021)
  • New Title: South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Science Standards (2021)
  • Document GUID: 0117AB56-CF88-11EB-8A52-8D7B328B16CA

Document title change:

  • Old Title: Social Studies (2019 r2023)
  • New Title: South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Social Studies (2019 r2023)
  • Document GUID: 5BE20FD8-7E61-11E9-8E81-81F51C16B520

Document title change:

  • Old Title: Physical Education (2021)
  • New Title: South Carolina College and Career Ready Standards for Physical Education (2021)
  • Document GUID: 5183F54A-CDFD-11EB-A2F1-89C5CB53CA3B

Document title change:

  • Old Title: World Language Proficiency (2019 r2023)
  • New Title: South Carolina College and Career Ready Standards for World Language Proficiency (2019 r2023)
  • Document GUID: 67FD4538-0FC7-11EA-8B8F-85EE501A83D2

Document title change:

  • Old Title: Arts: Dance (2017)
  • New Title: South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Dance Proficiency (2017)
  • Document GUID: 8B1CC640-52C0-11E7-8E2F-77C8CCC8CA83

Document title change:

  • Old Title: Arts: Design (2017)
  • New Title: South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Design Proficiency (2017)
  • Document GUID: 5E186BBE-52C9-11E7-959F-FB99BF03DF2F

Document title change:

  • Old Title: Arts: Choral, General and Instrumental Music (2017)
  • New Title: South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Music Proficiency (2017)
  • Document GUID: 8E31F482-52C9-11E7-9891-04D5CCC8CA83

Document title change:

  • Old Title: Arts: Media Arts (2017)
  • New Title: South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Media Arts Proficiency (2017)
  • Document GUID: 2C062E0E-52C9-11E7-B07A-989ABF03DF2F

Document title change:

  • Old Title: Arts: Theatre (2017)
  • New Title: South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Theatre Proficiency (2017)
  • Document GUID: 344E3B6A-52C9-11E7-AD2D-61D4CCC8CA83

Document title change:

  • Old Title: Arts: Visual Arts (2017)
  • New Title: South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Visual Arts Proficiency (2017)
  • Document GUID: 42831C1E-52C9-11E7-AB98-A39ABF03DF2F


We are moving the following documents out of the existing Academic Standards publication (GUID: FB4B6764-3E76-11E6-AE86-247C29C466BA) and into the newly renamed Standards publication (GUID: c7a93cbd-3987-46f4-bc59-d925e22219f2):

  • Health and Safety Education (2017)
    • New Title: South Carolina Academic Standards for Health and Safety Education (2017)
    • Document GUID: 79A71674-813A-11E7-A48F-0438CDC8CA83
  • Computer Science and Digital Literacy (2017)
    • New Title: K-8 South Carolina Computer Science and Digital Literacy Standards (2017)
    • Document GUID: 48293CC2-3C0B-11E7-A4CA-5E2ECDC8CA83
  • Computer Science (2018)
    • New Title: South Carolina Computer Science Standards for High School (2018)
    • Document GUID: 2E5FDCA0-9475-11E9-AB28-AC12BA08C9B4


The Academic Standards publication (GUID: FB4B6764-3E76-11E6-AE86-247C29C466BA) will be obsoleted since it no longer contains any active standards documents.


How will this change impact alignments?

Any existing alignments between assets and standards will not change.


When is this change taking effect?

These changes will be effective on Monday, July 8, 2024.


What action must I take?

You may want to update your version of the standards to reflect this change. 


How can I get more information?

Contact if you have any questions.