[Archived] June 2022 Elevate Standards Alignment Insights Newsletter

The Elevate Newsletter has been discontinued. While this resource is still valuable to Community members, please evaluate the content to ensure its accuracy.



CX Summit

At the end of May, all Instructure Customer Success Managers were invited to attend a CX Summit in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Summit allowed many CSMs to meet each other and their managers, in person, for the first time. We were offered sessions that ranged from learning how to better use our CSM tools, to Personal Development, and Diversity and Inclusion programs. We were even given the opportunity to participate in a service project benefiting the SLC community.

Due to all the travel and activity surrounding the CX Summit our May newsletter was delayed. So we are sending this June Newsletter earlier in the month than you are used to expecting it and planning to continue to send you newsletters on a monthly basis.

Product Update

Pre-Kindergarten Documents

We’d love to talk to you about your needs and use of Pre-Kindergarten standards. If your product aligns to Early Learning Standards or you provide standards to your users to align their own content, we’d love to hear from you. Please reach out to - standards-support@instructure.com to schedule a conversation. Please reach out to standards-support@instructure.com to schedule a conversation.

What's New With Standards This Month

Standards Released

Upcoming Standards

  • Maine > Learning Results: Parameters for Essential Instruction > Health Education and Physical Education (2022)
  • Maine > Learning Results: Parameters for Essential Instruction > World Languages (2022)
  • Maine > Learning Results: Parameters for Essential Instruction > Visual and Performing Arts (2022)
  • Australia > Australian Curriculum > English > (2022)
  • Australia > Australian Curriculum > Science (2022)
  • Australia > Australian Curriculum > Mathematics (2022)
  • Australia > Australian Curriculum > Humanities and Social Sciences (2022)
  • Virginia > Standards of Learning > Mathematics (2016) > new Data Science course (2022)
  • Virginia > Curriculum Framework > Mathematics (2016) > new Data Science course (2022)

You can view the List of Standards released by month. Download the Obsolete List to view standards marked obsolete for Q1, or visit the Canvas Community to learn about previously released standards.

To learn more about these updates, contact us at absupport@certicasolutions.com.