[Archived] February 2023 Elevate Insights Newsletter

The Elevate Newsletter has been discontinued. While this resource is still valuable to Community members, please evaluate the content to ensure its accuracy.



Product Update

Alignment App

We’re still on track to release the Align by Learning Object functionality in the Alignment App this quarter. Over the next couple of weeks we’ll be offering demos of the new functionality. If you would like to see how it works, please let us know at standards-support@instructure.com.

What's New With Standards This Month

Standards Released

You can view the List of Standards released by month. Download the Obsolete List to view standards marked obsolete for Q3, or visit the Canvas Community to learn about previously released standards.

Standards Updates

Arkansas > Career and Technical Education Standards
Moved Furniture Manufacturing Courses

We will be moving the following two AR CTE courses from the Manufacturing cluster to the Architecture and Construction cluster on February 20, 2023:

  • 494850 Furniture Manufacturing I (9-12) - 2019
  • 494870 Furniture Manufacturing II (10-12) - 2019

The two courses currently reside in Arkansas > Career and Technical Education Standards > Manufacturing (2017 r2020).

To learn more about these updates, contact us at standards-support@instructure.com.