[Archived] February 2022 AB Insights Newsletter

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Instructure Alumni
The Elevate Newsletter has been discontinued. While this resource is still valuable to Community members, please evaluate the content to ensure its accuracy.






Product Update

Standards Reference by Authority

The highly anticipated Standards Reference by Authority pages are now available in the Instructure Community. You can read the introduction announcement of the pages on the AB Blog.

You can find the Standards Reference by Authority tile under Academic Benchmarks Guides. Once you click on it you will be presented with the US Map and other available regions. From there, you can pick your region or select a state on the map or in the drop down menu.


We hope you can find the answer to most of your standards questions on these pages, but, as always, please reach out to our Support Team if you aren’t able to find what you need.

What's New With Standards This Month

Standards Released

Upcoming Standards

You can view the List of Standards released by month. Download the Obsolete List to view standards marked obsolete for Q4, or visit the Canvas Community to learn about previously released standards.

To learn more about these updates, contact us at absupport@certicasolutions.com.

Standards Updates

Australia, Victoria - The Humanities
Grades 11-12 Publication and Document Path Move


We moved four Humanities courses for grades 11-12 in Victoria that were captured under the following documents and sections within the Victorian Curriculum publication:

  • Victorian Curriculum > The Humanities - VCE Australian and Global Politics
  • Victorian Curriculum > The Humanities - VCE Sociology
  • Victorian Curriculum > The Humanities - History > VCE History
  • Victorian Curriculum > The Humanities - Geography > VCE Geography

As of February 11, 2022, grades 11-12 are now found under Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) > The Humanities Study Designs.

You can read how this may affect you on the Instructure Community page. If you have any questions about these changes, please contact absupport@instructure.com.