Early Academic Warning Indicator using data from Canvas Data Portal

Community Member

hi, all

Washington State University has recently moved to Canvas and we are pilot testing an early academic warning system in some of our 100-level courses.  We’re looking for a consistent and scalable way to pull scores on a set of early assignments (end of week three, chosen by instructors). The sum of these scores, along with a couple of other values, would be used to flag at risk status (above a threshold the student would be on track, below they would be at risk). If a student performs below a threshold on this value, their advisor is notified so the student can receive assistance early on.

We are using the Canvas Data Portal but also are exploring the roster API as well.

We tried using assignment groups but this would require the instructor to reorder assignments outside of their preference. We also tried to set Learning Outcomes, but it is difficult as we can’t set an outcome for a group.

Current score (roster API) also isn’t too scalable since there are many variations on the use of this running score.

The lack of creating a calculated grade column (compared with Blackboard) is also proving to be limiting.

At this point we’re looking for what others have done using Canvas data.

Thanks in advance for your reply/ suggestion.


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