Did Canvas Logging used to be better ? Cannot see what a teacher deleted or edited

Community Champion

A disgruntled teacher when through and deleted a bunch of stuff from a bunch of courses.
I need to be able to answer this question, and seemingly cannot due to inadequate Canvas logging.   

"What did a faculty person delete, from where, and when"?

If anyone knows something I'm missing I'd love to learn.

Here's my complaints encountered while troubleshooting:

- Logging sucks. the Page Views log DOES NOT SHOW when items are deleted. Deleting a quiz is not show at all in the Page Views. Same For Files, Discussions, Announcements. WTF !!! The best I can see is that the faculty visited that page at some point, then moved to a different page a minute later. No indication that massive deletions were taking place in Page Views during that time.

- /undelete - If the person deleted files from the /files area, those files are not listed in /undelete, the files are not recoverable.

I need to know what a person member created, and what they edited. Basically, whenever a person performs a CrUD operation, Create, Update, Delete, I need to be able to know about it. Canvas is already collecting PageViews, fill the gaps and collect useful information

TL;DR: We get disgruntled faculty from time to time and their ability to wreak undocumented destruction is amazing.

Thanks, Glen

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