Canvas Data 2 Missing Some Learning Outcomes

Community Member

Hello Everyone,


We use learning outcomes quite a bit in our work. Faculty add Learning outcomes to their traditional rubrics and use them for grading in speedgrader. I don't know if it matters or not, but for the sake of completeness I'll add that faculty are instructed to do the following when adding an outcome to a rubric:

  • Uncheck the "Use this criterion for scoring" checkbox - we don't want this calculated with the student score
  • Use the "Latest Score" calculation method - We want the outcome result to reflect the most recent entry by the faculty.


I am able to find some, but not all of the results of those Learning Outcome grades in the learning_outcome_results table. I can verify that there are rubrics within our instance of Canvas that have the properly created outcomes attached. These rubrics have been scored, and the results are not present in the table.


One final point - the outcomes do exist in a hierarchy by department. They aren't all at the root level of the outcomes service in Canvas. Most are nested within groups.


I am currently using dap to mirror the learning_outcomes and learning_outcome_results tables. Is there something more we need to do in terms of setup within Canvas to ensure those outcomes show up in the Canvas Data 2?

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