CD2 - Try to use dap initdb to get all tables but table argement is required

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I am trying to populate a database with ALL the tables in the Canvas namespace.

I am following the instructions on this documentation to initialize my database using the initdb command.

Below is my CLI:


dap initdb --connection-string my_connection_string --namespace canvas


but I get an error saying the table argument is required.


dap initdb: error: the following arguments are required: --table


Is there a way to get all the tables instead of running the initdb command manually for the 89 tables on the Canvas namespace?


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1 Solution

Hello everyone, I would like to let you know that we have released DAP CLI 1.4.0 where the main feature is that you can define all or multiple tables for one DAP CLI run:

dap initdb --namespace canvas --table all
dap initdb --namespace canvas --table content_tags,courses,submissions

 I hope this helps reducing the complexity in your codebase and makes DAP CLI use easier.

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