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Feature FAQ

Feature FAQ

What is Course Pacing?

Course Pacing helps support instructors with courses that have staggered start dates or rolling enrollments that require differentiated due dates based on the student start date or date of enrollment. Course Pacing allows an instructor to create plans that determine the pace of a course by designating the amount of time an assignment takes to complete and then when a student is enrolled, the student’s individual due dates are set automagically.


Who should use Course Pacing? 

Course Pacing is best fit for “rolling enrollment” courses, where you want each student to have their own due dates based on the date they enrolled in the course.


When will upcoming features be available?

See the timeline document for an overview of outstanding features. Also, keep in mind that the purpose of the feature preview is to get feedback from our users and iterate on the functionality as is appropriate, so some of these features will be added once users have had a chance to try out our new Course Pacing capabilities. 


Where do I see known issues for Course Pacing?

Reference the Known Issues document in this space.


How do I provide feedback for Course Pacing?

Post a question or share your insights in the user group Forum.


How do I find out about the latest updates for Course Pacing?

For a complete overview of this feature, reference the Feature Overview document (coming soon). You can also view specific feature updates in the Change log.


How can I learn more about how to use Course Pacing?

All information about how to use this feature is included in the User Guides. You can also check out the overview video. 


Is Course Pacing supported in beta and test environments?

Yes, it is. The Course Pacing Feature Preview was first introduced in the beta environment on April 13, 2022. It will be made available in the test and production environments on April 27, 2022. 


Are all features supported in the Canvas Teacher mobile app?

Not at the current time. We will work with our mobile team to determine if Course Pacing should be included in the mobile apps at a later date. Due Dates assigned by Course Pacing will work as expected in the Canvas Student app.


How do I enable Course Pacing?

The Course Pacing feature option is an account level option, which can be enabled by an account admin by default for all users within the account or it can be unlocked to allow individual sub-account admin the opportunity to choose to turn it on in specific sub-accounts. Once enabled, instructors will see a new setting to enable the feature for their specific course.


How do I access Course Pacing as an instructor?

Once made available, instructors will see a new setting and checkbox to Enable Course Pacing in course settings. Once enabled, the instructor will see Course Pacing in their course navigation and will be able to start setting a pace for their course. 


How is Course Pacing different from the existing Pace Plans LTI?

As a reminder, Course Pacing is not meant to be a direct replacement for Pace Plans, however, there are many similarities between the two feature sets. You can view our comparison table for more details.. 


Does Course Pacing have a public API?

Yes, the Course Pacing API information is published in our public API documentation

Does Course Pacing work with Blueprint Courses?

When Course Pacing settings are updated in connection with a blueprint, the changes sync across courses. Sections and students are excluded when copying Course Pacing information.

Does Course Pacing work with Course Copies?

Yes, Course Pacing settings are preserved and copied when course content is imported via Course Copy and Canvas Import Package.

Does Course Pacing work with Course Templates?

While you can designate a course with Course Pacing enabled as a Course Template, the Course Pacing is not currently reflected in the newly created courses. This may be considered at a later date if sufficient feedback is provided to support this functionality from the feature preview.

When does a student's pace actually start?

A student's pace begins on their "effective start date". In the case of Course Pacing that means:

  1. on the explicitly set enrollment start date (configurable in the API and via SIS Import) OR
  2. the most recent of enrollment creation date, section date, course date, and term date

Note: when a student is added via People their enrollment creation date is when they are invited not when the invite is accepted.

Can I manage a Course Pace for an individual student?

Yes, you can manage a course pace for an individual student. 


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