Teacher Appreciation Terri Spisso

Community Explorer

Teacher Appreciation 2020




Dear Terri Spisso,


           I want it to be clear that you are a super-special educator who is providing continuity and stability through innovation. You're making a difference! Throughout this time when all of Rhode Island is switching to Remote Learning, all students and educators rapidly moving everything online you have been one of the few unsung heroes who has continuously offered assistance and guidance. Your calm demeanor has allowed for clear and precise support when hundreds are asking questions. You have shown, yet again, that you go above and far beyond the call of duty to serve those around you and that you persistently make the world a better place by just your being you! 

            The Foster-Glocester Regional District is incredibly lucky to have you as a member of staff as you are knowledgable, eager, and evolving in your field. With everything that is rapidly changing one thing has stayed the same. You care about everyone and you always are there for help...


"Some people make the world go 'round. Thank you for being one of those people."








Thank You (You're the Best!),

Mr. David Glasberg




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