Reflect and Celebrate | January 2019 Blogging Challenge

Community Team
Community Team

From time to time, we've held blogging challenges in the Canvas Community, and the contributed content has been amazing. The ongoing discussions and collaboration that came as a result of the writing were invaluable. With that, it’s time to bring some of that magic back!


This will be the first of three planned blogging challenges in 2019. Share your insight and then learn from others. Get involved and enjoy the professional growth!





For a moment, look beyond the chaos that is associated with the end of a semester (or the school year for our friends in the southern hemisphere!). Instead, focus on what you’ve accomplished! It’s also the end of a calendar year, a time full of holidays and gatherings—the perfect time to reflect on the past 12 months and to make goals for the next.


Here are a few questions to inspire you as you begin to write. You do not need to answer them all or answer them directly; just pick what inspires you!

  • What was your greatest accomplishment in 2018, or what was something you did that made you feel especially proud?
  • Who around you made your 2018 journey possible (personally and/or professionally)? What did they do to support you? Have you told them the impact of their influence? Did you pay it forward, or do you plan to in some way?
  • Maybe you have an extraordinary and non-work-related reason to be grateful this year. What is it, and how did or will you celebrate?
  • What other elements of gratitude or giving are on your mind and heart as we wrap up 2018?


Between now and January 15th 25th (see below), set aside some time for some reflection and writing. Think about how this prompt applies to you professionally and/or in your daily life.


To begin sharing your story, you will need to find the Meta Community Group. (If you aren’t already a member of this group, you will need to join this group in order to publish your blog post.) Next, at the top of the page, click Content. Then, along the left-hand-side of the screen, click Write a Blog Post. On the next screen, you will see a blank template that will house your blog post. Enter a title and a banner image. Now you can start to write about your stories, insights, and reflections!


Before you publish your blog post, please add two important tags within the Tag This Blog Post section of the template! Make sure to enter the tags correctly. That way, it will be easier to search for all of the contributions for this Blogging Challenge! Without the tags, you may not get the recognition you deserve or qualify for the rewards.

  • Blogging-Challenge
  • Jan19



All authors who submit a blog post before January 15th will receive 250 Community points and receive an exclusive badge added to their Canvas Community profile. Please be patient as this badge will be awarded manually.


January BadgeAdditional point prizes will also be rewarded:

250 additional points = Top 10 posts (based on # likes, views, bookmarks, shares, quality of comments, and the opinions of the Canvas Community Managers + Coaches.)

500 additional points = #1 Winner (from the Top 10) determined by the Community in a poll








  • January 15, 2019 January 25, 2019: All posts must be published in the Meta Community Group (and tagged with both Blogging-Challenge and Jan19) to be considered for the TOP 10. Posts published after the deadline will be welcomed, but unfortunately, they will not be considered for this contest.
  • January 18, 2019 January, 28th, 2019: The top 10 blog posts will be announced in a poll and will be eligible for voting. Authors will have two weeks to increase the visibility and ranking of their blog. Share it, tweet it, get people to read and rate it, comment on it, etc. to help surface your post to the top.
  • February 4, 2019 February 11, 2019: The overall winner will be announced.