In Observance of Juneteenth -- Phone Lines Unavailable


June 19th, or Juneteenth, is an important day in American history. That day in 1865 commemorated the ending of slavery across the United States. While significant steps forward have been made, this day is also a reminder that we must always be doing more for the cause of equality and inclusion for all. That’s why at Instructure, we want each and every employee to have the opportunity to pause, reflect, and contemplate what this holiday meant then, what it means today, and start to take actions to create a better tomorrow. 

As part of our observance of Juneteenth, Instructure is giving all employees a half-day away from work Friday, June 18th, 2021. To make this possible for the entire company, we will be turning off our phone lines to Customer Support on that day from 6am MST to 11:59pm MST. Users who require help on that day will be able to reach support over chat. 


We firmly believe that we are each responsible for owning change, and we encourage every one of our employees to use this time to influence the positive change that is needed in our world.  While this is only one small step toward a more racially just and equitable world, we believe it is a step in the right direction.


Keep Learning,

Melissa Loble

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