Have You Subscribed to the Instructure Community Weekly Highlights Blog?

Community Team
Community Team


Every Monday, the Instructure Community Team creates a digest with all the goings-on in the Instructure world from the previous week: Community updates, Product updates, upcoming Instructure Live events, new blogs to read, and everything else you'll need to know will be organized in a single location.

When the Instructure Community is as expansive as it is, it is helpful to have those big updates organized for you! The blog makes it easy for you to find the key changes and opportunities, without needing to explore multiple spaces.

You’re welcome to read on, but if you’d like to take a look now, you can skip ahead and navigate directly to the Instructure Community Weekly Highlights Blog and then click the Subscribe button under the colorful banner. You’ll always be informed and ready to maximize your time in the Community!

InstructureCon Insights

In July, the Community Team and Support Team met hundreds of educators and technologists at InstructureCon. The feedback we gathered in those three short days was invaluable (thank you), and because we’re talking about the Instructure weekly Highlights Blog, we have the perfect opportunity to share some insights the Community Team gained from that survey with everyone!

How many people subscribe to the Weekly Highlights Blog?

Approximately 30% of the 610 survey participants shared that they subscribe to the Instructure Weekly Highlights Blog, and 29.8% said they were unsure. It was a pretty even distribution of responses, and we see this as an opportunity to promote this great resource!

Why do people like the Weekly Highlights Blog?

Since the question was open-ended, we received a variety of responses. However, we noticed that the comments were overwhelmingly positive. Here are some stand-out reasons why Community members value the weekly blog:

  • Always good to be in the know!
  • Knowing more helps!
  • Gives me information to share with colleagues
  • I like having the summary put in front of me via email in case I get too busy to look at it directly in the Community.
  • I like to know what new features are being released. 
  • I often miss things so receiving the weekly emails is very helpful.
  • It helps to have something that spotlights new and/or valuable information that I may have missed or otherwise not found.
  • Looking mostly for product updates for professional development for my team.
  • Product information and updates
  • The content I need to read
  • Updates/ Keeping up to date (this was mentioned more than 25 times)

What’s next for the Weekly Highlights Blog?


We also asked for ideas on what content should be included in these blogs. We will continue including newly published release notes, and upcoming events, but it’s clear that there is value in featuring newly published blogs, especially those from Instructure employees. Right now, we see those within the Weekly Highlights Blog as Instructure teams publish new content, but we are exploring the option of including the author’s name. That extra clarity may help draw attention to new tips and best practices. We will also explore how we can efficiently promote trending discussions.

Have you subscribed?

Let’s boost the percentage of Community members who have subscribed to the Instructure Community Weekly Highlights Blog! After signing into your Community account, visit the Weekly Highlights Blog and verify that you’re subscribed to the page. We’ll get those updates to you each Monday.