Dr. Bowman is rocking Canvas for 8th grade science!

Community Participant

Teacher Appreciation 2020




Dear Dr. Bowman,


Dr. Martha Bowman is my daughter's 8th grade science teacher in the Monroe County Community School Corporation in Bloomington, Indiana. The students and teachers are only on their second day of distance learning but I love how Dr. Bowman has integrated video of herself talking to the students about this new learning experience in announcements and is using the discussion forums in Canvas for the first time. She has asked the students to give her feedback about how things are going and is acting on that feedback. For example, she made some changes to when certain assignments would be released based on student communication with her. I really appreciate Dr. Bowman trying new things in Canvas to keep the students engaged, informed, and connected to the learning community.



Thank You (You're the Best!),

Chris Hitchcock




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