After years of searching...

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

I love Canvas, and I hope you do too!


Dear Canvas,

It was from across the room I saw you for the first time. It was years ago, longing to ask you out, but failed for the fear of what my family might think. For me, it was always bad timing and low support. I wasn’t in the right place.


That all changed a few years later when I finally drummed up enough courage to ask you out. A short date to see if that spark still existed. As expected you graciously accepted and we started talking. Soon enough I invited you to family dinner. This was "the big time" and I knew you’d finally be my one and only LMS.


Canvas, you’ve made my life easier in every way. You challenge me and motivate me to be a better leader and coach. You encourage my teachers to bring that passion and love for learning each day. It may have taken us years to finally get up enough courage to commit but it finally happened.

To my one and only LMS!



Eddie Small

CTE Innovation Coach





Canvas Love