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{READY RELEASE} Canvas User Summaries

{READY RELEASE} Canvas User Summaries

As of 2020-05-26, Ready Releases have been discontinued.

This page was intended for Canvas admins to distribute feature summaries for each user role as described as part of the temporary Ready Release strategy

Each document includes only relevant information for each user role in a Google Doc and can be printed or shared for easy distribution. However, any user can access and use these summaries as available.

Please be aware of the following guidelines when using Ready Release user summaries:

  • Like release notes, user summaries are subject to change.
  • Summaries are only included for roles relevant to the release.
  • User summaries include all Canvas features noted in the Ready Release.
  • All features are opt-in unless otherwise indicated (some Canvas features do not support the Allow feature option functionality)

Each user role section below includes the headings of each feature included in the appropriate user summary document for this release. Each document has two options: view the document and create a copy.

View the Summary
Use this option if you want to view the document and share the link without modifying the content. Additionally, this option ensures the document is updated by the Canvas community team with any changes that may be made in the release notes.

Create a Copy
Use this option if you want to create a copy of the document to edit for your own distribution. You must log in to a Google account to create a copy, which will be stored in your Google Drive account. This option allows you to modify any of the information according to your LTI availability and feature option preferences.

  • Once you make a copy of a user summary (including downloading or exporting the content), the document is no longer associated with the original document and you must maintain your own content changes as may be indicated in the release notes.
  • For the best user experience, user summaries should not be copied and distributed until the Monday before the Canvas release, which will allow time for features within the release to be confirmed by the Canvas product team.

Comprehensive Summary by User Role

Updated with every release—also includes all opt-in features from the monthly Canvas release to be enforced 18 July 2020

Admin (View)Admin (Copy)
Instructor (View)Instructor (Copy)
Student (View)Student (Copy)
Observer (View)Observer (Copy)

Summary by Individual Release


Posted: 2020-05-13

Admin (View)Admin (Copy)
Instructor (View)Instructor (Copy)
Student (View)Student (Copy) 
Observer (View)Observer (Copy) 


Posted: 2020-04-22

Admin (View)Admin (Copy)
Instructor (View)Instructor (Copy)
Student (View)Student (Copy) 


Posted: 2020-04-15

Admin (View)Admin (Copy)
Instructor (View)Instructor (Copy)
Student (View)Student (Copy) 


Posted: 2020-04-08

Admin (View)Admin (Copy)
Instructor (View)Instructor (Copy)
Student (View)Student (Copy) 
Observer (View)Observer (Copy) 


Posted: 2020-04-01

Admin (View)Admin (Copy)
Instructor (View)Instructor (Copy)
Student (View)Student (Copy)
Observer (View)Observer (Copy)


Posted: 2020-03-25

Admin (View)Admin (Copy)
Instructor (View)Instructor (Copy)
Student (View)Student (Copy)

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