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Canvas Release Notes (2020-01-18)

Canvas Release Notes (2020-01-18)

Upcoming Canvas Changes


  • End-of-Life functionality related to New Quizzes (Live Events)


  • End-of-Life functionality for existing course and user analytics
  • Enforcement of New Course and User Analytics

For more information, please see Upcoming Canvas Changes.

In this Canvas release (January 18), admins can allow users to associate their user profiles with pronouns. The New Gradebook, Course Card Images, Rubric Criterion Range, and Student Context Card feature options will be turned on for all institutions and will no longer be optional in Canvas. These changes were previously included in Upcoming Canvas Changes.

In the New Gradebook, the Student Name column includes additional sorting options. Additionally, for assignments with a manual posting policy, comments can be posted without a grade.

Feature Options

  • The Direct Share feature option allows users to copy individual course items to another course and share individual items with other users.
  • The Responsive Layout feature option enables institutions to confirm any of their custom code in Canvas with recent default layout changes. This feature option will be turned on for all institutions in the 2020-02-15 Canvas release.
  • The Rich Content Editor feature option enables institutions to allow the New Rich Content Editor in Canvas courses. The current Rich Content Editor is deprecated.

Beta Environment Feature Options

  • The Assignment Enhancements - Student feature option enables institutions to explore student enhancements in Canvas course assignments.

External Tools (LTI)

  • For institutions using New Quizzes, the New Quizzes Settings menu allows answers to be shuffled for each student in supported quizzes, and users can search course outcomes within New Quizzes.
  • For institutions using the Attendance tool, instructors can choose to omit the Attendance assignment from the course final grade directly in the Attendance Settings menu.

Canvas release summary by user roleCanvas New Release ScreencastCanvas Release Collaborative Chat

Release Notes Change Log

New Features



Direct Share

This feature can be enabled in Canvas through a feature option in Account Settings. Please view the content below for additional details. For more information about feature options, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.

Location to Enable Feature

Account Settings

Configuration Details

Direct Share Feature Option

Affected Canvas Areas

User Navigation, Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions, Pages

Beta/Test Environment Support


Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles


Feature Enhancement Ideas

Existing Direct Share feature ideas

Specified Tag for Feature Ideas


Feature Video



Instructors can copy individual course items to another course and share individual items with other users.


Change Benefit

This change allows instructors to copy and share content directly in Canvas without having to use a secondary repository like Commons. 

Additional Details

For full details about Direct Share, please see the Canvas Release: Direct Share document.


Copy to and Share to link options in Assignments page

Student Enhancements

This feature can be enabled in Canvas through a feature option in Account Settings. Please view the content below for additional details. For more information about feature options, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.

Environment Availability

Beta environment only

Location to Enable Feature

Account Settings

Configuration Details

Assignment Enhancements - Student Feature Option

Affected Canvas Areas


Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles


Feature Enhancement Ideas

View existing Assignments feature ideas

Specified Tag for Feature Ideas



Supported student assignments display an improved interface and submission workflow.


Change Benefit

This change improves the student experience in completing and submitting assignments, viewing rubrics, and locating instructor feedback.

Additional Details

For full details about student assignment enhancements, please see the Canvas Release: Student Assignment Enhancements document.

New Assignments interface for students 

Updated Features



Do Not Count Toward Final Grade Settings Checkbox

Location to Enable Feature 


Configuration Details

Attendance LTI

Affected Canvas Areas

Attendance, Assignments, Gradebook

Beta/Test Environment Support 


    Environment Limitations                                                         

Unlike other LTI tools in Canvas, updates to the Attendance tool may not be available with the initial notes for a release and may be added at any time.

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles


Feature Enhancement Ideas

View existing Attendance feature ideas 

Specified Tag for Feature Ideas




The Settings menu includes the option to not count the Attendance assignment toward the final grade.


Change Benefit

This change allows instructors to not count attendance toward the final grade without having to edit the assignment.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors


If instructors want to omit the Attendance assignment from the students’ final grade, they can open the Settings menu directly in the Attendance tool and select the checkbox to remove attendance from the final grade.

Attendance Settings menu

Course Settings

Dashboard Course Card Feature Option Enforcement

Location to Enable Feature

Course Settings

Configuration Details


Affected Canvas Areas

Course Settings, Dashboard

Beta/Test Environment Support


Related API

Courses API, Users API

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles

Instructors, Students

Feature Enhancement Ideas

Existing Course Settings feature ideas

Specified Tag for Feature Ideas

Course settings

Original Feature Introduction




Course cards in the Dashboard can contain an image as uploaded through Course Settings. 


Affected User Roles


The Course Settings menu includes an option to add an image to course cards. Images can be dragged and dropped into the browser window or uploaded from a computer. Accepted images include JPG, JPEG, GIF, and PNG files. Larger images may take a few seconds to process. Images can also be added from Unsplash. Once the Course Details page is saved, the Dashboard image displays in the course card behind the course color. The image also displays for instructors in their Card View Dashboard.


Course Details option to add image



Students can view the course card image in their Card View Dashboard. As with all courses shown in the Dashboard and Calendar, instructors cannot control the course color. Colors are automatically assigned by Canvas, though students can change the course color at any time.

Course Card Dashboard with images


New Gradebook

New Gradebook Feature Option Enforcement

Location to Enable Feature


Configuration Details


Affected Canvas Areas

New Gradebook

Beta/Test Environment Support


Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles


Feature Enhancement Ideas

Existing New Gradebook feature ideas

Specified Tag for Feature Ideas


Original Feature Introduction




The New Gradebook includes an improved user experience with additional filtering and sorting options, late and missing policies, and assignment posting policies.


Change Benefit

This change brings an enhanced version of the Gradebook to all instructors.

Additional Details

For full details about the New Gradebook, please see the New Gradebook Resources list in the Canvas Community.


Postable Submission Comments

Location to Enable Feature


Configuration Details


Affected Canvas Areas

New Gradebook, SpeedGrader

Beta/Test Environment Support


Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles

Instructors, Students

Feature Enhancement Ideas

Existing New Gradebook feature ideas

Specified Tag for Feature Ideas


Feature Video                      




For assignments with a manual posting policy, comments can be posted without requiring a grade.


Change Benefit

This change allows students to view feedback from instructors before they receive a grade for an assignment.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors


In manual posting policy assignments, instructors can create comments in New Gradebook or SpeedGrader for a student submission and make them visible to students. 

Grade Detail Tray with comment in Manual assignment

Once a comment is submitted, the Post Grades button can be used to post comments the same way as posting grades. The New Gradebook displays all submissions that will have grades and/or comments displayed to students, per the updated wording next to each posting option. 

posting comments without a grade

If the option to hide grades is selected for the assignment later on (for when the instructor is working on actual grading), comments will also be hidden until grades are reposted.

Note: For manual posting policy assignments, the hidden label displays at the top of the page to indicate the assignment is hidden when a grade is entered. However, when a comment is added in the Gradebook context tray and SpeedGrader, respectively, the page must be refreshed before the hidden label will display.


If a student’s submission has been posted by an instructor in the New Gradebook or SpeedGrader, the student can view the comment in the Grades page. 

If the option to hide grades is selected for the assignment later on (for when the instructor is working on actual grading), comments will also be hidden until grades are reposted.

Student View of receiving comments with no grade

Sort Options 


Feature Availability


Location to Enable Feature


Configuration Details


Affected Canvas Areas

New Gradebook

Beta/Test Environment Support


Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles


Feature Enhancement Ideas

Existing New Gradebook feature ideas

Specified Tag for Feature Ideas


Feature Idea Contributions 

Feature Video



The Student Name column includes additional sorting options.


Change Benefit

This change allows users to sort the New Gradebook by student name, SIS ID, Integration ID, and Login ID in ascending or descending order.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors


As part of sorting the Student Name column, instructors can select the Sort By option and not only sort by student name, but also by SIS ID, Integration ID, or Login ID. Each option can be ordered in ascending or descending order.

Student Name Sort Options

New Quizzes

Answer Shuffling

Location to Enable Feature


Configuration Details

New Quizzes LTI

Affected Canvas Areas


Beta Environment Support


Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles


Feature Enhancement Ideas

Existing New Quizzes feature ideas

Specified Tag for Feature Ideas

New quizzes

Feature Video



The New Quizzes Settings menu allows answers to be shuffled for each student in supported quizzes.

Change Benefit

This change allows instructors to predetermine if students should get shuffled answers while taking the quiz.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors

Admin, Instructors

Instructors can select the option to shuffle answers in the Settings menu. This option is a global setting that applies to multiple choice, multiple answer, and matching quiz questions.

Note: Shuffling answers does not guarantee the order is displayed differently to every student. Some students will receive the same answer order, depending on the number of answers for each question.

New Quizzes Shuffle Answers global setting

Outcomes Search

Location to Enable Feature


Configuration Details

New Quizzes LTI

Affected Canvas Areas


Beta Environment Support


Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles


Feature Enhancement Ideas

Existing New Quizzes feature ideas

Specified Tag for Feature Ideas

New quizzes

Feature Video



Users can search course outcomes within New Quizzes. 

Change Benefit

This change allows users to search course outcomes when aligning outcomes to a new quiz or to individual quiz questions.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors

Admin, Instructors

In New Quizzes and Item Banks, users can align quizzes and questions to outcomes with the Align Institution outcomes to this quiz or Align Institution outcomes to this question buttons.

New Quizzes Outcomes button

Within the alignment page, users can enter a search term into the search box in order to find specific outcomes. The search term will search and return results with the designated term included in the name and/or description of the outcome.

Outcomes search field


Student Context Card Feature Option Enforcement

Location to Enable Feature


Configuration Details


Affected Canvas Areas

Any course location with a link to a student’s name

Beta/Test Environment Support


Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles


Feature Enhancement Ideas

Existing People feature ideas

Specified Tag for Feature Ideas


Original Feature Introduction



For instructor (and admin) roles, links for users with student roles display a summary of student progress in the course.

Change Benefit

This change allows instructors to view quick insights and context about a student from anywhere in Canvas.

Affected User Roles


When viewing anywhere in a course, instructors can click the name of a student and view a sidebar that shows quick insights and context about the student.

Context cards are meant to be a simplified overview of a student’s progress. The context is generated from grades in the Gradebook and standard page view and participation activity in course analytics. Mobile data is not included unless a user accesses Canvas directly through a mobile browser, or if a user accesses content within the mobile app that redirects to a mobile browser.

Context Card Users

Context cards are not supported for user names where the user is not a student (e.g. observer, TA, or other instructor). Clicking links for these user roles will always direct to the user’s details page or profile page (if the institution has enabled the Profiles feature).

Student context cards do not display for inactive students or students with pending course invitations. The pending status displays in the People page, while the inactive status can be displayed in Discussions, Announcements, the Gradebook, and SpeedGrader.

Student Context Card in the People page

Context Card Details

Context cards can display the following details:

  • Profile picture (if applicable)
  • Act as User: act as the student (link only available to users with the Users - Act As permission)
  • Student name or email: view the student’s user profile page
  • Mail icon: send a message directly to the student from the page
  • Course name and section: view the name of the course and section (section name only included for courses with multiple sections)
  • Last login: view the last login date (does not display if the student has never logged in); the card only displays the time when the login is on the current date, the day of the week when the login was within the current week, and the full date for any later logins
  • Grades: access the student’s grades page
  • Analytics: access the student’s analytics page (button only available to users with permission to view analytics)
    • If New Course and User Analytics is enabled, the button displays as New Analytics and directs to New Analytics data
  • Current grade: view current grade as displayed in the Gradebook (according to grading scheme)
    • For courses using Multiple Grading Periods, the context card only displays the grade for the current grading period; the card does not match the grade shown in any prior or future grading periods even if another grading period is selected in the Gradebook.
  • Number of missing assignments: view the total of missing assignments based on student analytics data, which generates data for both online and no-submission assignments in Canvas
    • For submissions not submitted online, assignment calculations may not be entirely accurate as they are attempted based on the assignment’s grade and when the assignment was graded
  • Number of late assignments: view the total of late assignments based on assignment due date
  • Number of last graded items in the course: view a maximum of the last 10 recently graded assignments with the assignment’s grade (shows according to grading scheme, but grades default to points if the grading scheme does not fit)
  • Participation activity compared to class: view the standard deviation of the student’s participation in the course compared to other students (none, low, moderate, or high)
  • Page views compared to class: view the standard deviation of the student’s page views in the course compared to other students (none, low, moderate, or high)


Context Card Link Locations

Context cards are supported anywhere in a Canvas course that displays a link to a student’s name. (They do not apply outside a course, such as in the Conversations Inbox.) No extra permissions are required for this feature; context cards are inherent specifically to instructor and admin roles.


In addition to the People page (course roster), frequent areas where student names display in courses include announcement and discussion replies, the Gradebook, and the Moderate page for moderated assignments. 

Note: Context cards do not display for links that direct to group context (such as clicking the name of a group leader) and student links in Course Analytics pages, as they link to a student’s individual analytics page.

Rich Content Editor

Rich Content Editor Interface Enhancements

This feature can be enabled in Canvas through a feature option in Account Settings. Please view the content below for additional details. For more information about feature options, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.

Feature State


Location to Enable Feature

Course Settings - Feature Options tab

Configuration Details

Rich Content Editor Feature Option

Feature Option Enforcement


Affected Canvas Areas

Rich Content Editor

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles

All Users

Feature Enhancement Ideas

View existing Rich Content Editor feature ideas

Specified Tag for Feature Ideas

Rich Content Editor

Change Type

Deprecation; see Upcoming Canvas Changes

Feature Video




The New Rich Content Editor includes an improved user experience across Canvas courses. The existing Rich Content Editor is deprecated. Additionally, the New Rich Content Editor includes several updated features since it was first introduced in the beta environment in the 2019-10-19 release notes.


Change Benefit

This change allows institutions to enable the New Rich Content Editor for courses in the production environment before it is enabled by default for all institutions on 20 June 2020.

Additional Details

For more information about Rich Content Editor Enhancements, please see the Canvas Release: Rich Content Editor Enhancements document.

New Rich Content Editor interface


Rubric Criterion Range Feature Option Enforcement


Location to Enable Feature


Configuration Details


Affected Canvas Areas

Rubrics, Assignments, SpeedGrader

Beta/Test Environment Support



Rubrics - add / edit / delete, Course Content - view

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles

Admins, Instructors

Feature Enhancement Ideas

View existing Rubrics feature ideas

Specified Tag for Feature Ideas


Original Feature Introduction




Rubrics include a Range checkbox to create a point range for a criterion.

Change Benefit

This change allows rubric criteria can include a point range instead of just an individual point value.

Affected User Roles

Admins, Instructors

When the Range checkbox is allowed and selected, each rating displays a maximum and minimum point value. Ranges are managed the same way as non-range rubrics. Ratings can be divided, edited, and removed individually, and total point value changes automatically adjust for all rating values.

Rubric criterion Range checkbox

When a rubric is added to an assignment, range options are not displayed if the free-form comment option is selected.

Rubric comparison in assignments with free-form comments

In SpeedGrader, rubric values can be selected by an entire range. Students can also view the ranges in the assignment details page and when viewing the rubric in the Grades page. The first value in the range is assigned for the point value.

SpeedGrader view of criterion range


Personal Pronouns


Affected Canvas Areas

All Canvas areas that display user names

Configuration Details

Account Settings

Beta/Test Environment Support



Account-level settings - manage

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles

All Users

Feature Enhancement Ideas

Existing Users feature ideas

Specified Tag for Feature Ideas


Community Idea Contribution 

Feature Video




If allowed by a Canvas admin, users can associate their user profiles with pronouns. If a user selects a pronoun, the pronoun displays after the user’s name.


Change Benefit

This change allows users to select a pronoun that represents themselves for a course. Selected pronouns apply for the user in any course where the user is enrolled.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors


Admins can choose to enable pronouns for their institution in Account Settings. When the pronouns checkbox is selected, the page displays three default options: She/Her, He/Him, They/Them. The admin can keep or edit these defaults, as well as add additional pronoun options.

Account Settings Personal Pronouns options

All Users

If user pronouns have been enabled by a Canvas admin, users can visit their User Settings page, edit their settings, and select from the list of pronouns. Only pronouns set by the Canvas admin can be selected; users cannot manually add their own pronouns. Additionally, this feature is not associated with any account-level settings, so all users can set a pronoun by editing their user settings.

User Settings Pronoun option

Once a pronoun is selected by a user, the pronoun currently displays in the majority of Canvas course and user areas (as visible for each applicable role):

  • Account People page (admin)
  • Act as User page (admin)
  • Course Sections list (instructor)
  • Student Context Card (instructor)
  • SpeedGrader (instructor)
  • Assignment creation menu (instructor)
  • Assignment peer review page (instructor)
  • User Navigation Menu
  • User Settings page/User profile page
  • Inbox
  • Discussions
  • Course People page
  • Groups People page
  • Comment Fields

Note: LTI tools, such as New Quizzes and Analytics, do not currently support pronouns as they need to incorporate this feature in a future release.

Pronouns placement example



Theme Editor

Responsive Layout

This feature can be enabled in Canvas through a feature option in Account Settings. Please view the content below for additional details. For more information about feature options, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.

Affected Canvas Areas

Canvas Interface

Configuration Details

Responsive Layout Feature Option

Feature Option Enforcement


Location to Enable Feature

Theme Editor (Upload Tab)

Beta/Test Environment Support


Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles


Feature Enhancement Ideas

Existing Theme Editor feature ideas

Specified Tag for Feature Ideas




Canvas provides a more responsive experience for content scrolling according to web accessibility initiative guidelines.

Change Benefit

This change ensures Canvas continues to meet accessibility guidelines for all Canvas users regarding the vertical and horizontal display of course content.

Affected Canvas Users


Institutions implementing custom JavaScript or CSS through the Theme Editor should review the WAI reflow standards and their current code to ensure no conflicts exist with Canvas pages.

This responsive layout change is enabled by default in the beta environment, but it can also be optionally tested in the production environment until 2020-02-15 with the Responsive Layout feature option in Account Settings. 

On 2020-02-15, the feature option will be enabled for all accounts in the production environment by default.

Release Notes Change Log



Changed—Updated Features

  • New Gradebook: Sort Options—production availability changed to Monday, 20 January

Added—Updated Features

  • Attendance: Do Not Count Toward Final Grade Settings Checkbox
2020-01-07Added available feature videos (from screencast) to feature sections
2019-12-23Release Notes Published

Change Log

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