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Canvas Deploy Notes (2024-09-11)

Canvas Deploy Notes (2024-09-11)

Canvas deploys contain code changes that are intended to fix bugs, improve performance, and prepare for new features. These deploys take place every two weeks and can be tested in the beta environment before the production deploy date indicated in the title of this document. Institutions are responsible for conducting thorough evaluations of their custom CSS/JS with each release and deploy to assess potential impacts.

Fixed bugs are located in Known Issues. For related issues resolved in this deploy, view the 2024-09-11 Known Issues tag.

Subscribe to the release notes page to be notified of new release and deploy notes

For Canvas Platform Service changes (API, GraphQL, Canvas Data), please see the appropriate page in the Change Log

Other questions? Visit the Canvas Release FAQ

Looking to discuss the features in the Deploy Notes? Post a reply in the Features Q&A: Canvas Deploy Notes (2024-09-11)

Table of Contents

Interface Updates

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Lucid Link Text Update

All Users

Affected Feature Areas

Course Navigation

Account Setting to Enable



Inherent to user

Related Ideas



When enabled in Course Navigation, the Lucid link text is updated to Lucid (Whiteboard).

Change Benefit

This update allows instructors and students who are unfamiliar with Lucid to quickly grasp its value and the tools now available to them for free through Canvas.

Feature Workflow

Course Navigation Lucid LinkCourse Navigation Lucid Link

 When enabled in the Course Navigation, the Lucid link text is updated.


SIS Import

Warning Messages


Affected Feature Areas

SIS Imports

Account Setting to Enable



SIS Data-import

Related Ideas



On the Account-level SIS import page, a warning message informs users of the risks associated with selecting the This is a full batch update checkbox. Additionally, a confirmation modal appears when initiating data processing.

Change Benefit

This update helps prevent accidental or unintended SIS import actions that could have significant consequences.

Feature Workflow

SIS Import Warning MessageSIS Import Warning Message

On the SIS import page, a warning informs users of the risks associated with selecting the This is a full batch update checkbox.

Confirm Changes ModalConfirm Changes Modal

After clicking the Process Data button, a confirmation modal displays.



Rich Content Editor Features Available


Affected Feature Areas


Account Setting to Enable



Inherent to user

Related Ideas

[Speedgrader] Rich Text Editor in Speedgrader Comments


In SpeedGrader, certain Rich Content Editor (RCE) features are available when commenting. Additionally, instructors can edit comment drafts. The available RCE features include:

  • Heading
  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Font color
  • Insert Hyperlink
  • Bullets

Note: Instructors and students can view formatted comments in all locations where comments are accessible.

Change Benefit

This change allows instructors to provide more detailed and formatted feedback to students by emphasizing key points, organizing information clearly, and including external resources directly in their comments. This enhanced feedback improves communication, making it easier for students to understand the feedback and take action on it. 

Feature Workflow

SpeedGrader Rich Content Editor Features AvailableSpeedGrader Rich Content Editor Features Available

In SpeedGrader, instructors can utilize certain Rich Content Editor features when drafting a comment.


Edit Icon for Comment DraftsEdit Icon for Comment Drafts

To continue editing a comment draft, click the Edit icon [1]. The saved content will then be reloaded into the Rich Content Editor for further editing [2].


Change Log


Added Navigation: Lucid Link Text Update




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