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Canvas Deploy Notes (2024-07-17)

Canvas Deploy Notes (2024-07-17)

Canvas deploys contain code changes that are intended to fix bugs, improve performance, and prepare for new features. These deploys take place every two weeks and can be tested in the beta environment before the production deploy date indicated in the title of this document. Institutions are responsible for conducting thorough evaluations of their custom CSS/JS with each release and deploy to assess potential impacts.

Fixed bugs are located in Known Issues. For related issues resolved in this deploy, view the 2024-07-17 Known Issues tag.

Subscribe to the release notes page to be notified of new release and deploy notes

For Canvas Platform Service changes (API, GraphQL, Canvas Data), please see the appropriate page in the Change Log

Other questions? Visit the Canvas Release FAQ

Looking to discuss the features in the Deploy Notes? Post a reply in the Features Q&A: Canvas Deploy Notes (2024-07-17)

Table of Contents

Interface Updates

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SMS Multi-Factor Authentication Update (MFA)

All Users

Affected Feature Areas


Account Setting to Enable



Inherent to User

Related Ideas



For International users, the SMS Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) configuration is removed and the informational text is updated for clarity. For US users, the MFA modal text is updated for clarity.

Change Benefit

This update improves clarity for international users and aligns with current functionality.

Feature Workflow

International User Multi-Factor-Authentication ModalInternational User Multi-Factor-Authentication Modal

For International users the MFA modal interface text is updated and the SMS configuration is removed.


US User Multi-Factor Authentication ModalUS User Multi-Factor Authentication Modal

For US users, the text is updated for clarity [1]. Additionally, text is added in the Use SMS section [2].


Comment Drafts


Affected Feature Areas


Account Setting to Enable



Inherent to user

Related Ideas

[SpeedGrader] Replace tiny asterisk with "DRAFT" for draft comments in SpeedGrader


In SpeedGrader, after drafting a comment and moving on to another student, a Draft pill displays indicating that the comment has not been submitted.

Change Benefit

This update enhances the user experience by clearly indicating when a comment has not yet been submitted.

Feature Workflow

SpeedGrader Comment Draft PillSpeedGrader Comment Draft Pill

In SpeedGrader, a Draft pill displays indicating the comment has not been submitted.


Course Import and Cross-List Section Update


Affected Feature Areas

Import Content page

Account Setting to Enable



Inherent to user

Related Ideas



In Settings, when selecting a course to copy or course to cross- list the drop-down menus display the SIS ID and term with the course name in the list when available.

Change Benefit

This update provides additional reference information that can help users quickly identify and distinguish between courses.

Feature Workflow

Import Content Term and SIS IDImport Content Term and SIS ID

When importing content, the Search for a Course drop-down menu displays the Term and SIS ID if available.

Cross-List Term and SIS IDCross-List Term and SIS ID

When Cross-Listing a course, the term and SIS ID display when available.


Course Status Update


Affected Feature Areas

Home page, Settings

Account Setting to Enable



Inherent to user

Related Ideas



On the Home page and Course Settings page, the Publish and Unpublish buttons are redesigned as a drop-down menu.

Change Benefit

This update improves the user experience by enhancing clarity around a course’s status.

Feature Workflow

Course Status Drop-Down-MenuCourse Status Drop-Down-Menu

On the Home page and Course Settings page, instructors can manage the Course Status using the drop-down menu.

Sort by Course Status


Affected Feature Areas


Account Setting to Enable



Inherent to user

Related Ideas

[Admin Tools] Course Status Icon for Admins with sorting or filtering options


On the Account-level Courses page, admin can sort the status icons column in ascending or descending order.

Change Benefit

This feature allows admins to quickly sort by course status.

Feature Workflow

Account Setting Sort Course Status IconAccount Setting Sort Course Status Icon

On the Account-level Courses page, click the Status link to sort by course status.

Additional Details

By default, course statuses are not sorted.


List Sections in Alphabetical Order

All Users

Affected Feature Areas


Account Setting to Enable



Inherent to user

Related Ideas



On the People page, students enrolled in multiple sections are displayed in alphabetical order.

Change Benefit

This update provides a standardized, efficient, and universally understood method for organizing and retrieving information without bias.

Feature Workflow

People Page SectionsPeople Page Sections

On the People page, sections are listed in alphabetical order.

User Settings

Contact Information Modal Update

All Users

Affected Feature Areas

User Settings

Account Setting to Enable



Inherent to user

Related Ideas



In user settings when adding a Contact Method, the Carrier drop-down menu and the SMS email field are removed. Additionally, the Cell number field is renamed Mobile Number. For International users, the Text (SMS) tab is removed.

Change Benefit

This update improves clarity for users and aligns with current functionality.

Feature Workflow

Register Communication ModalRegister Communication Modal

The Cell number field is renamed Mobile number, additionally the Carrier drop-down menu and SMS email field are removed.

Account Settings

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Group Profile Settings


Affects User Interface


Affected Feature Areas


Related Ideas



In Account-level settings, all profile-related settings are consolidated in the Personal Profile Settings section.

Change Benefit

This change improves organization and accessibility by consolidating all profile-related settings into one section, making it easier for admin to manage profile settings efficiently.

Feature Workflow

Account Level Personal Profile SettingsAccount Level Personal Profile Settings

In Account Settings, a Personal Profile Settings Section is available.

Feature Previews

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A Feature Preview indicates a feature option in active development. Users who opt in to the feature and join the Community user group can help improve the feature through direct feedback. 

Additional updates about this feature will be available in the User Group. When this feature option is available for general use, the feature option will be announced in the Canvas Release Notes.


Discussion Summaries

Admin Instructor

Feature Option Name

Discussion Summary

Enable Feature Option Location & Default Status

Account (Disabled/Locked)

Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Subaccount Configuration



Inherent to user

Affects User Interface


Affected Areas


Feature Preview User Group

Discussion Summaries

Release Schedule

Coming Soon! View updates via the change log in the Discussion Summaries User Group

Mobile App Support


Free-for-Teacher Availability


Enforcement Date

To be announced

Feature Option State

Feature Preview (active development)

Related Ideas



Discussion Summary is a new feature preview available in Canvas. Discussion Summarization uses a Generative AI model to give instructors summaries of the main points, questions, and ideas in a discussion thread.

Note: This feature requires the Discussion/Announcement Redesign feature option to be enabled, this feature option will be enforced July 20, 2024.

Feature Workflow

Discussions Summarize ButtonDiscussions Summarize Button

To summarize discussion threads, click the Summarize button.


Discussion Summary FieldDiscussion Summary Field

Enter the desired area or topic to summarize.


Generate Summary and Disable Summary ButtonsGenerate Summary and Disable Summary Buttons

To Generate a summary, click the Generate Summary button [1]. To exit the Discussion Summary, click the Disable Summary button [2].


Discussion SummaryDiscussion Summary

A summary is created based on the topics the instructor asked about.

Additional Details

If a course is concluded, a user with view access can still use the Smart Search feature.


Smart Search

All Users

Feature Option Name

Smart Search

Enable Feature Option Location & Default Status

Account (Disabled/Locked)

Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Subaccount Configuration



Inherent to user

Affects User Interface


Affected Areas

Course Navigation

Feature Preview User Group

Smart Search

Release Schedule

Smart Search Change Log

Mobile App Support

Not available

Free-for-Teacher Availability

Not available

Enforcement Date

To be announced

Feature Option State

Feature Preview (active development)

Related Ideas



Smart Search is a new feature preview available in Canvas using advanced AI and semantic algorithms. The Smart Search feature understands the context of queries, providing more accurate and relevant results without needing complex search operators or tools. Currently, the Smart Search feature is querying the following items within a course: 

  • Content pages
  • Announcements
  • Discussion prompts
  • Assignment descriptions

Feature Workflow


Course Settings Navigation PageCourse Settings Navigation Page

By default, the Search link is enabled in the Navigation [1]. Instructors can choose to remove this link from the Course Navigation, then click the Save button [2].


Course Navigation Smart Search LinkCourse Navigation Smart Search Link

To access Smart Search in a course, click the Search link.


How it Works ButtonHow it Works Button

For more information related to the Smart Search feature, click the How it Works button.


How it Works TrayHow it Works Tray

A tray displays allowing users to learn more about the feature and how to use it.


Smart Search Field, Search Icon and Like/Dislike IconsSmart Search Field, Search Icon and Like/Dislike Icons

In the Smart Search field [1], enter keywords or phrases to return relevant results, then click the search icon [2], or use the enter/return key on a keyboard. Additionally, users can click the like or dislike icons [3] to provide feedback on the search results of specific items.


Help Us Improve ModalHelp Us Improve Modal

After clicking the Like or Dislike icons, users are asked to provide feedback for improvement.

Additional Details

If a course is concluded, a user with view access can still use the Smart Search feature. 


Change Logs Updates

Discussion/Announcements Redesign

For more details related to this deploy, see the Discussions/Announcements Redesign: Release Change Log

Change Log


Updated Beta Environment Availability dates for feature previews


Added Discussion Summaries User Group Link


Updated Feature Option Default Status to Locked for Discussion Summaries and Smart Search Feature Previews.


Added Features: Authentication: SMS Multi-Factor Authentication Update (MFA) and User Settings: Contact Information Modal Update




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