sending emails

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Community Novice

When I go to compose and email through canvas all of my classes from previous semesters show up which makes it confusing and creates extra steps to figure out the exact course to email. Is there a way for just the current semester to pop up in course tab?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @EmilioVillalba - in the Inbox, 'All Courses' is selected as the default view. We can change this to instead see the inbox / sent messages, etc. for a specific course by using a filter . See here: How do I filter conversations in the Inbox?

One additional suggestion to help is to 'unfavorite' completed courses as this will reduce the number of courses within the favorite courses list. I do so as it helps to keep things tidy and so I can focus in more quickly on active courses.

filter by course.png


Have a wonderful semester!  ~ Jeff




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