recovering accidentally deleted data

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Dear Canvas Guru,

Can someone tell me how the undelete function works on Canvas?

With the undelete function, does it mean deleted items stay in some sort of recycle bin? if so, how long are the items stored there?

Say I delete several items:

- a file

- a folder

- a quiz 

- an assignment

- an entire module (supposedly it only deletes the module but items in the module (files and assignments for example) can only be deleted from where they are indexed/stored? 

Will all items be recoverable? or are there exceptions for what can be brought back?

Many thanks,


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1 Solution
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If you go to the course page (such as[coursenumber]/undelete - that is, just add an /undelete at the end of the main course URL) , you will see a list of deleted items that you can restore.

Up to 25 items of each type (quizzes, pages, files..) are visible at a time, but you can see older items if you restore some of those 25 and then refresh the page. I don't believe there is a time limit for items to be restored.

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