quota in free-for-teacher account

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I am a teacher leaving a Canvas school and trying to preserve all my work. I set up a free-for-teacher account but am running into the course quota limit. I have a few questions.

- Can I increase the course quota above 500mb for a free-for-teacher account?

- Is the quota per class or for all my classes?

- I am trying to import a class that is 850mb. If I can't increase it, can you give me a tip about what is making it so big so I know what to delete?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good evening, @ErinKatz ...

- Can I increase the course quota above 500mb for a free-for-teacher account?

No.  There is a max of 500 MB per course for file storage in a Free For Teacher account.

- Is the quota per class or for all my classes?

It is per course.  See the first table in this document for further details: Canvas free for teacher account comparison | Instructure

- I am trying to import a class that is 850mb. If I can't increase it, can you give me a tip about what is making it so big so I know what to delete?

You can export your current course which creates an *.imscc file for you to download to your computer.  Then, you can change the file extension on that file from an *.imscc file to a *.zip file.  Next, unzip the *.zip file, and you'll be able to see a bunch of folders/files.  You can see the HTML content pages along with other files that were part of the course that might be large in file size.  This might give you a clue on what files might be causing the 850 MB size.

How do I export a Canvas course?

Hope this will help a bit.  Sing out if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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