make a video

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How to do I make a video in Canvas and post it so my students can see it? I am mainly using a chromebook, but am open to other types of devices if this isn't compatible. 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @JessicaSchell,

There are going to be multiple ways to do this based on what options your school/institution has enabled and also whether they have and 3rd party video management systems (like Canvas Studio, Kaltura, MediaSite, Panopto, etc) installed.  I think the most universal option would be recording a video through the Rich Content Editor on a Canvas page or similar area which you could add ot a module.  As these recordings are done via your web browser, I'd recommend making them on the shorter side (under 10 minutes or so).

You could talk to the local Canvas team at your school/institution (usually in the eLearning / IT / Digital Education areas) about other options they may have available, since we in the global Canvas Community here don't have access to that sort of information.

Hope this helps a bit!


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