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how do I embed a pdf in my post so it shows the documents without having to click on the link?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good morning, @BrielleMarquez ...

If you are an instructor, this Guide shows you how you can do this: How do I embed documents from Canvas in the Rich C... - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com).  In particular, look at the "View Link Options" section of the Guide.

If you are a student, a similar Guide exists for you, too: How do I embed a document from Canvas into the Ric... - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com).  Again, you'd want to look at the area to "View Link Options".

In both instances, there is a check-box option to "Expand preview by Default" that you'd want to select.

Hope this helps!  Sing out if you have any questions...thanks!

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