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Hello, I've been using canvas for over a year and all of a sudden none of my classes are appearing in canvas, I could see them through my app but not my computer. 

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good morning, @JennaleeReyes ...

When you are logged in to Canvas on your desktop/laptop computer, go to your "Courses" >> "All Courses" screen.

How do I view all my Canvas courses as a student? - Instructure Community (

When on this screen, do you see your course(s) listed there?  If so, look at the "Published" column to see if the course(s) is/are published or not.  If a course is not published, the instructor would need to publish it so that you and your classmates can view the content.  The instructor may not publish the course until closer to the official start date of the course, though.

Also, since Canvas Community members do not have access to Imperial Valley College's Canvas environment, we wouldn't be able to help you locate the course(s) you are looking for.  I did find a couple links for you that might provide some resources for you for contact info:

Hopefully you'll be able to contact someone at your school if you're still not able to locate your course(s).

Let us know if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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