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Morning,Is it possible to have one quiz and use that multiple times and get each response as a different attempt in Speedgrader (rather than overwriting previous attempts?); effectively to show progress across weeks of teaching

  • 3 Replies

I have just set up 4 identical notebooks and using Chrome as the default browser.  3 work fine but one says the browser is not supported and student can't do quizzes as it says they are only available to registered users.the one not working is showin...

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Canvas Question Forum
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My institution has no way to submit feedback directly to the Canvas developers and our IT support has not been able to offer help for my issue. I have a student claim that only one (of 40) responses were recorded on a Canvas Quiz. The log is strange ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi All,We have created sub accounts for a couple of demos and created a theme for each one.  We then assigned 3 of us as admins to both of the sub accounts, and we are already admins on the primary account.  When the two of us on Windows click on Adm...

  • 8 Replies
  • 1 Replies

I am writing to enquire why CANVAS created classes in Turnitin sometimes show as "LTI CLASS" in Turnitin rather the proper populated class name from CANVAS? Has anyone else experienced this and knows why this might occur?See attached screenshot which...

  • 1 Replies

We are running virtual prac classes this semester. It would be good to have a live class dataset for students to use for their data analysis. Students would be able to add their own data to this set (just a count, nothing fancy), and it would update ...

  • 2 Replies

Hi,Suppose I have 3 assignment groups that are weighted as follow:1. Assignments: 50%2. Quizzes 25%3. Final 25%The final assignment group has a final but the grade is not recorded until the end of the semester. How does the gradebook calculate the cu...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies new with canvas. these are the concerns i encountered:1. i cant seem to see the log out button2. i cannot add a new module

  • 5 Replies

How am I able to have both my childrens' accounts accessible when I open Canvas? My daughter originally set up her account on my laptop, so her's is accessible, but I would like to have my son's as well. I have tried to find a "switch user" option to...

  • 1 Replies

My policy for A+'s has always been and always will be 100% or better. The grading schemes in Canvas don't seem to allow me to do this. I kludged it by making the lower limit 99.99%, but I'm wondering whether there's a Canvas setting that will let me ...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

Is there a way to create a class directory where participants could upload a picture and some personal information that would then be available for others to read about them - as a way for people to get to know one another?

  • 4 Replies

I am teaching two sections of a course and I like to schedule one Zoom meeting for the Review session on Canvas.I think I can schedule a meeting in one section and provide the link to the meeting for my students in other section. Am I right?  Is ther...

  • 2 Replies

Am I correct that quizzes in Canvas have much less functionality than assignments? As far as I can tell, quizzes do not accepts file uploads of more than one image per question, and they do not allow you to use the document viewer to annotate, commen...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to turn on notifications for every time a student turns in an assignment? I would like to be able to see when a student completes an assignment that needs "moderation". Currently the only things that show up in my "to do" are writing a...

  • 1 Replies

Hiding assignment and quiz grades used to be simple, but the options have changed and Canvas really doesn't want to hide the grades anymore.  I don't the see the little eye with a line through it, even after the system says "Success! You've hidden th...

  • 1 Replies

Dear all,Trust you are keeping well and staying safe in these trying timesI am Information professional with little experience in programming,Pls I need help and guidance in creating canvas application for my students in senior secondary school here ...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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I have some pages that have lots of content so I have used HTML to create tabs. The problem I am having is that some tabs have links to additional pages (see The CRAAP test tab in screen shot below for example). On the additional pages I added a link...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I want to include In a quiz I am building several similar questions. Can I create just one question, copy it, insert the copy into the same quiz and edit the copy? 

  • 6 Replies

I am seeing a potential bug concerning Last Activity and Zero Activity Report. Here is what I am seeing:  In the “People” section of course id 529, student Jacob Davis last visited the course on May 17 at 3:15 PM. His total activity in that course i...

  • 6 Replies

I accidentally deleted a question bank but the questions are still in a quiz that is accessible.  What is the easiest way to get those quiz questions back in the question bank?

  • 3 Replies

Hi,I created a graded assignment by uploading an Articulate Rise SCORM file. I'm exploring the possibility of having the SCORM object display in the Canvas window instead of loading in a new tab, just to keep the learner in Canvas instead of a new ta...

  • 1 Replies

I like to use Goformative for assignments and quizzes. How can I upload these into canvas?John

  • 1 Replies

Log in I'm a teacher in a CANVAS class and sometimes when a student submits an assignment this is the message I get:Log InYou need to authorize this integration in order to use it.Please sign in to your Google account and authorize this integrationWh...

  • 1 Replies

how do you see the grades on canvas for 3rd quarter

  • 1 Replies

Please help! I am trying to embed a google slide that includes an audio file but the audio needs to be clicked on after embedding??? How can I get it to auto play like it does in google slides?

  • 3 Replies

I was making a quiz and got about 1/2 way done writing all the questions, stepped away from my computer and it did a restart/update of some sort, kicked me out of Canvas, and the quiz didn't save.Is there a way to retrieve recent docs like in Office3...

  • 3 Replies

In a quiz, an instructor set the available start and end times from 10:15 AM until 12:15 PM, respectively, with a time limit of 120 minutes. A student must have started the quiz late and went beyond the 12:15 end time, ending at 12:19.  The student's...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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On the GUI, if a student goes to the "grades" tab, they can see the highest, lowest, and average score, along with their own score. How is this information viewed using a student auth in Canvas?

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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