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Good morning all!I am trying to receive course material from another instructor at my school (common assessments), but I receiving an "Access Denied" message when I try to access the material.We checked the steps on her end to ensure the sending proc...

  • 1 Replies

I am a lab coordinator for a large chemistry lab course with 14 sections (and 9-10 instructors). These sections meet on five different days of the week and require different open, due and closing dates depending on their meeting day. In the past I wa...

  • 4 Replies

  In my course, I use prerequisites to help keep students completing the work in the correct order. The orientation process in-particular.  I have them do the following: Welcome module (view) -> Syllabus Module (view) -> Orientations... The trouble i...

  • 4 Replies

I have 4 sections of a class cross-listed with a new "empty" Canvas shell (this allows me to give the cross-listed mega-class of 4 sections a unique title). In this course, I have 1 group set and had Canvas auto-assign students to groups of 5-6 (stud...

  • 2 Replies

Does anyone have an effective way to incorporate layered curriculum into Canvas?Short summary: layered curriculum allows students to choose which assignments they want to do to achieve mastery. C-level are base knowledge (75 points), B-level are more...

  • 3 Replies

I would like to put a link to the Canvas calendar on a page, within a module, for students and parents to quickly access. Is there a way to do this?

  • 1 Replies

I teach many different subjects, half of which are anatomy courses designed from an introductory non-majors course on up to a graduate-level course.  Many of the questions I use require identification, so I have built hundreds of question banks (usua...

  • 1 Replies

How do I avoid viruses?How do I ignore these spam alerts in the picture?Please look at the top right of the picture. 

  • 2 Replies

When I am copying content from one course to another, and use the select content feature, why is the content in the parent course (the course I am copying from) not alphabetized. I spend a lot of time hunting for the content. Seems like this should b...

  • 1 Replies

If I posted an assignment to an unpublished course, would students receive an email notification?

  • 1 Replies

Hi I was wondering if it's possible to remove the menu on the right-hand side of dashboard for students/ admin as we want (see image1 attached ). Also, can you please tell me can we remove only a section of the menu (see image 2 attached)Does anyone ...

  • 1 Replies

I have created the quiz and assignment and published it but it doesn't show up under modules?  Some of them do and some don't but the only way they can view it in student view is under assignment or quiz, but I want it to show up under the modules so...

  • 1 Replies

 I just finished doing a practice quiz but after submitting it the module froze on the assessment result screen which is preventing me from moving onto the next module. I've tried leaving the page, restarting my PC, clearing my cache and re-signing i...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I am working with a faculty member who is trying to solve a specific issue for his course. He wants to have the Automatically apply deduction to late submissions option enabled.  He wants to have deadlines for assignments be due at 11:59 PM but s...

  • 4 Replies

 As the image attached says, the Proctorio extension may soon no longer be supported because of this Google change but does it mean it will be disabled?  We still use Proctorio on all our exams and we use Chrome by default so do I either switch brows...

  • 1 Replies

 Hi everyone, I just embeded this audio from Google drive on my Quiz (Rich content editor) but the embeded audio player is way too big. I tried but couldn't find any way to adjust the size. I hope someone can help me with this. Thank you! My role: te...

  • 1 Replies

Hello. Is there a way to disable the To Do list for student view?

  • 4 Replies

I am working as a TA and am working to make some matlab assignments. I want some sections of this assignment to be simple short answers and some to be autograded by MATLAB Grader LTI. Is it possible to have all this in one assignment? 

  • 2 Replies

Is there a way to change the default "Hide grade distribution graphs from students" from not being 'checked' to being 'checked'? Without having each teacher remember to select that option? We have been told by both student and instructors that this f...

  • 3 Replies

We use a course for our student handbook.  I want to connect our policies via our Google docs so we can update them in real time.  My question is, if I put it in as a link, can the student edit the online file?

  • 1 Replies

We are preparing a new program and are considering enabling "Improved Outcomes management." I cannot find any documentation of how this affects existing Outcomes. We tried enabling this tool a few years ago, and it messed up the exisitng outcomes and...

  • 2 Replies

I've had discussions in my courses for years, and as I'm preparing copied courses for publication in the coming semester, I've noticed the option to click "This is a Group Discussion." What does that mean? I thought all discussions were "group" becau...

  • 1 Replies

We use Talis integration to show resource lists for various courses, and generally it works reasonably ok. Is it possible to attach multiple Talis resource lists to one course? The use case is that for their final project course, students are permitt...

  • 1 Replies

I've been using Canvas for several years at multiple organizations using PC and Mac and various web browsers such as IE, Firefox, and Chrome, currently using a Mac with Google Chrome. I've never seen this before ---My Canvas pages all show the icons ...

  • 7 Replies

I have a problem with my Canvas LMS for a class the community has no solution for. I need help from a professional IT person. The thread directs us to "contact the Instructure Help Desk," but a search of this site shows no link to that thing if it ex...

  • 6 Replies

Greetings,  Students are mistakenly enrolled in Canvas, Course 3 instead of Canvas, Course 2. To avoid assignment overlap, the students must be transferred to the correct course. What are the steps to solve this issue?  Thank you 

  • 1 Replies

Wir sind ein Weiterbildungseinrichtung und würden Canvas gerne als LMS nutzen. Was kostet es im Jahr für rund 100 Nutzer? 

  • 1 Replies

I’m a freshman and online. I know it is early to be thinking about finals but I live 2 hours away from campus and was figuring out if you had to go in person to take finals or if every is online. I assumed some people answering hopefully had done onl...

  • 1 Replies

Currently, I have CANVAS set up to give an automatic 0 for assignments not completed by the due date.  Previously, assignments that had not been attempted showed up with a ' - ' mark in Grades. Now, students get a false impression of their grades, as...

  • 7 Replies

Hi We have an integration set up with Microsoft so that Teams groups can be used with Canvas primarily for the purposes of OneNote administration.  Previously, when the integration was activated at the course level, the Teams classroom/course was cre...

  • 1 Replies