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I started to enter a formula question and then remembered that an algebraic solution does not exist for the step entails solving a polynomial with exponents up to around 40 (the yield to maturity on a coupon-bearing bond), which is fair...

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Hello,I signed up for a teacher Canvas account with my  email at and then created a course with me as the instructor. I invited a colleague to that course as a student. The colleague has a .ed...

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Canvas Question Forum
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How do I keep the interactive component of my Google Slides once I embed the slide into Canvas? How does it make a separate copy for each student so when one child drags an item, it won't change on everyone else's computer?

  • 3 Replies

Hello Community members! I am new to conferences in Canvas and relatively new to the community. How can I provide a link to a Word document to students in breakout rooms in Canvas conferences (BBB) so they can discuss things as a group and write thei...

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Canvas Question Forum
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How do I display a PPT during a class?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello-My HTML editor has disappeared. How do I get it back so I can embed google slide code?Thanks, Susan

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Hello!My organization, Centriq Training, has been with Canvas for 5 years and currently has locations in Kansas City and St. Louis.  We're a training organization that provides a fast-paced, hands-on, job skills program that helps prepare students fo...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I need to give my students some picture files to use in a project.  Everything I have tried on the new rich content editor embeds the picture on the page, showing the picture, and that's not what I want.  I just want to link to a picture file that I ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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On our school website, I want to create a link to each teacher's individual Canvas dashboard for students and parents to access.  How do I find the correct link?Thank you.  Sandy

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One of my pages is showing as locked when I go to student view.  The others are fine.  What do I need to do? Thanks!

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Hello,I was trying to test out the Google Assignment Integration in our Canvas Instance.I created the Assignment and used the External Tool. I noted that I still needed to add the due date in Canvas Assignment Page.I graded a student submission and w...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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How can I invite a person not in my institution (an expert, using their institutional or private email) to a canvas conference (within my course)?

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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If I don't have a Google Drive, is there a way of finding the embed code of a PDF from a Sharepoint site? I have the steps below if you're using Google Drive, but wondering if similar steps could be used where files are stored on a Sharepoint site? #...

  • 1 Replies

Hi folks -- is there a way to create an automatically graded online discussion through Canvas? I have figured out how to create a graded discussion, but I'm not certain if I can do so in a way that will automatically assign a grade to a student who m...

  • 2 Replies

Camtasia produces MP4 files and HTML videos. I can upload and view the MP4 files on Studio/Canvas - no problem. However, I would like to view the HTML files because they include a very useful Table of Contents.Camtasia produces these files XXX.html; ...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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My google drive is linked to my account in settings, but I cannot access it within the courses I create.  How can I resolve this issue?

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Good afternoon,I created two courses within a free version of canvas. I exported both courses that I created so that I would not lose the content. The school I work for, Aristoi Classical Academy, just paid for Canvas and gave me access. I am trying ...

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Can I as the instructor download a speed grader PDF, do mark up with my E-Pen, then re-upload that to Speed grader for students?

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
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How do I invite students to a Zoom meeting or a Google Hangout in Canvas? 

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We currently use work-study students in our online program to perform certain routine tasks in our master courses and our courses in development. They do not have the same admin access to Canvas that our IDs and other online team members do, but we a...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Does the Chamberlain Canvas platform allow for word documents to be edited by instructors from within the grade book submission column without downloading the file?Carmen Potter

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Is there a way to have a white label on the dash board for courses so I can add a picture that won't be filtered through the block color on the dashboard? 

  • 2 Replies

Why can I not copy and paste feedback into the additional comments section of a quiz? I felt like I could do this in spring and now it will not allow it any more.  It's a huge time saver to be able to copy and paste.

  • 4 Replies

Ill try to explain this but not sure if Ill be clear....I have a module entitled Project 1. It has 10 assignments in it. I need to create a second module entitled Project 2. I want to copy the 10 assignments from Project 1 module into Project 2 but h...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Almost every time I try to start a message, my InBox freezes. I can't choose my course from the favorites list and have to close the entire compose message screen and start over. Once I do that, I am usually able to select the course and person to se...

  • 1 Replies

Previously students had graded discussions in class.  With social distancing, is there a way for students to have a recorded online discussion that can be submitted to the teacher for viewing/grading?

  • 2 Replies

How do you make a page the first page students see when they open your canvas course? I have set the desired page as "front page" and I can see that icon next to it, but when I open the course it goes to the "Home" tab. Is this just my view as an ins...

  • 1 Replies

I am hoping to use a digital notebook this year. Last year, many of the intro type activities that would go in the notebook I created as quizzes. I am wondering if there is a way to take those quizzes and have students export them into their notebook...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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I find no "edit" button in any of the screens I open.  I cannot edit my profile, upload files, or anything, Why?

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Has anyone had students not being able to see jpeg images in Canvas when using an Apple device (MacBook, etc?

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