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Can anyone tell me how to add the “student view icon “ to nav bar or elsewhere to enable a single click toggle from instructor to student view in coursesTx

  • 1 Replies

I was wondering if it was possible to mark more than one student as excused for an assignment. Any suggestions would be most appreciated! (Context: I recently had a technical issue with the publisher tool which made me decide to cancel some assignmen...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi,  we are trying to allow a department head to see the special education students in all of their classes.  Can we give a person the ability to view the entire school without the ability to change anything?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Why is the default setting for showing Due Dates in the notifications on WEEKLY? I didn't know you could change the settings until quite recently but there are still some people who will still see that their assignment is late A WEEK LATER, which is ...

  • 1 Replies

I need to create bigger parenthesis then /Bigg using LaTex. So, It should look like this:   Can someone know, how to do this big parenthesis?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Canvas Gradebook - Not User Friendly & Wastes Time The ability for teachers to type M for missing needs to be an added feature. I made this video: <> to illustrate how slow the process of marking Missing is. In 2018, the C...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

I am a javascript developer. I am new to Canvas. Our standalone content has hitherto worked perfectly well on various websites and LMSs. I am using the "File" blob-type (excuse me if my terminology is wrong) to point to an index html, which acts as t...

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Canvas Question Forum
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While trying to design a page the ability to add paragraph breaks no longer works. Entering multiple returns does not work.  The only thing that still works is breaks <br> or shift+return. Or will that option be removed in a future release, too? I to...

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Canvas Question Forum
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During class what is the fastest way to upload an image from the phone to a discussion? Please include a step by step guide.

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to create a homepage with links to modules using FlexBox Grid but the problem I'm having is that there is white space between the tabs and I don't like that look can anyone help me figure out how to do this:Any help would be great... I ha...

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Canvas Question Forum
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My school's Canvas classes are connected to Powerschool. After two weeks, my school realized that the "class code" for one of my classes was wrong and moved all of my students into the correctly coded class. This change in Powerschool also moved ALL ...

  • 1 Replies

Hello All,If I use badges for attendance, how can I generate a report/compile the badge information per student?  When I used the "Export Attendance Data," no badge information was included - simply a list of present/absent. Thank you!!!Kerry

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have created a flowchart related to my university course. It was created in powerpoint, then turned into a pdf-file. Then I thought, it could be fun to create a flowchart in Canvas, question-by-question, that students may do as a practice, like the...

  • 3 Replies

why I can not add people to my course as a instructor role? The button is turning into grey. 

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello - I created a Google Assignment using the external tool. Some students cannot see the assignment. When they try to access it, it states it as "Unknown Drive File" and File missing. There is an option to "Get a new copy" but they are telling me ...

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible to easily merge 2 separate quizzes into one? Also, when creating a quiz questions where several questions vary by only 1-2 words, is there an easy way to duplicate the question with answer choices and make edits where necessary rather ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Perhaps this feature exists and I just haven't found it. My children's middle school is using Canvas and parents sign-up with Observer access. I can see the assignments, the assignment instructions, and text indicating whether the assignment is confi...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 23 Replies

When adding a nearpod app do I have to have a consumer key or shared secret code or is there another way I can add it for my staff to use?Thank you!

  • 1 Replies

Is anyone able to grade a google assignment created using the Google Assignments LTI and then grade the student’s work on the Canvas app on your iPad?My iPad is new and up to date. When I go into grade the work, there is a bar that says “launch exter...

  • 7 Replies

Is there a way that I can do this in a batch? I do hate the fact that I have to go student by student to change their privileges. I teach 1 course with 5 different sections and I was trying to limit my students to contact only students in their secti...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi, i'm wirting this post because I'm having problems while trying to preview PDF's. I check other forums before and I dont have any third party extensions, recently I cleard cookies and I just download chrome after uninstalling it. Also I saw that i...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Is it possible to use the Kami application in either "classic" or "new" quizzes?  I teach math and want to add a problem where the students can use the Kami application to draw on a graph.  I know I can use Kami for assignments, but can it be used in...

  • 1 Replies

My push notifications are not getting sent through my iPhone (they were up until a few days ago), I have already checked settings on both the Canvas app and my phone's settings as well as deleted the app and re-downloaded it. I'm not sure what else I...

  • 1 Replies

I am stuck between using Google Meet or Big Blue Button in Canvas. Canvas seemed more appealing as I wanted the ability to use breakout rooms, polling, the whiteboard, etc.  However, I am just seeing online that the ability for students to see one an...

  • 1 Replies

Is there any way to copy a discussion from one course (our test course) to a series of groups in the actual course?We have a large set of groups (1000 student course, 20 or so lab groups). Copying a series of discussions to these 20 groups individual...

  • 1 Replies

Hello community! When I grade a large group of students, I often like to wait, before I communicate grades and comments, until I've assessed all of the copies. When grading on speedgrader, it seems that students can access their grade, the rubric I u...

  • 4 Replies

In my class I am in the confer zoom, and about every 20-30 mins the screen closes itself then reloads. Sometimes it fully closes and I have to go back to Canvas to reopen the meeting. I have closed every other program on my computer and I still get t...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi, I was trying to create an assignment for my class on office 365 using the external tool option. It is already installed by the district. Assignment was created successfully on my end but  when I went to the student view it gave a failure notifica...

  • 2 Replies

Hi there. Our district recently implemented Canvas and unfortunately, we are having trouble locating support or guidance regarding attendace. Is there a way that attendance minutes from Canvas can be exported at an administrative level for all studen...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I've tried to create a parent observer acct. However your system will not allow me. I've tried to talk to the school about it the school says there is nothing they can do and thanks for bringing it to their attention. But still I have no parent obser...

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